Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay

The first stop at the place of employment on the first day of work is human resource management (HRM) office. Known in the past as the personnel department is now HRM; the place where contracts and all necessary documentation is processed before employment begins at the workplace. To some this is a friendly place and to other is threatening. Definition To understand what human resource management means and does, it is necessary to begin with a definition of its terms: Human: of, relating to, or characteristic of humans, consisting of humans (Merriam-Webster). Resource: a source of supply or support; an available means usually used in plural; a natural source of wealth or revenue often used in plural; a natural feature or phenomenon that enhances the quality of human life; a source of information or expertise (Merriam-Webster). Management: the act or art of managing; the conducting or supervising of something (as a business); judicious use of means to accomplish an end; the collective body of those who manage or direct an enterprise (Merriam-Webster). From these definitions an idea of human resource management forms and can be states as: The art of conducting or supervising the source of supply or support of humans. The purpose obviously is to perform tasks assigned in exchange for a wage or salary during a specified period of time or shift. Primary function HRM can be seen as the welcoming door to the company for new employees, but it represents much more than that. As part of the organization, HRM deals with the changes in the world affecting the company and its employees. Preparation is constant in this fast-paced world to cope with the newest changes in globalization, technology, workforce diversity, and labor shortages (DeCenzo 2007 p4). In today’s world, skill requirements are constantly changing and the improvement of the workforce is also continuous. HRM is responsible for overlooking the fulfillment of these needs in the company and all its different locations throughout the world. Globalization expanded the horizons for business and requires a deep understanding of the cultural diversity. Organizations like McDonalds, Exxon, BMW, General Motors, Sears, and many more like these generate their revenue from  different parts of the world. Making a presence in different countries requires knowledge and understanding of their cultures, not only the language and and typical traditions. HRM is responsible for the training of the company representatives asigned to the various countries where the company has operations. The primary function is no longer just the hiring and processing of new employees, but the primary function is now to manage the human resources available and their labor relations for the company’s operations locally or globally. Role of HRM in an Organization’s Strategic Plan The organization’s strategic plan is the core for the entire operation and the goals set to accomplish. HRM plays a very important role in this plan and the success or failure of the strategy starts off by how three of the management principles are applied by HRM. Oganizing, as a management principle, falls under the responsibility of HRM for specifying tasks, establishing departments, establishing channels of authorities, delegation of authorities, and coordination of subordinates activities. Basically this represents the foundation bricks for the strategic plan (Bateman, 2009). Leading is another management principle that falls under the HRM role and it is getting others to get the job done and motivating subordinates. Standard operating procedures, code of ethics, employees benefits, and other tools are used by HRM to accomplish this part of the role in the organization’s strategic plan (Bateman, 2009). Controlling is the management principle used to set standards for expected results and implement corrective actions when not going in the right direction. HR managers measure the efficiency of persons employed for the tasks and maintain turnover to low levels. HRM is responsible for the control of labor practices to keep them within legality, the avoiding of discriminatory actions and potential losses due to lack of training (Bateman, 2009). HRM is the backbone for any organization and is critical that human resource managers keep updated on all the changes affecting business. References Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (2012). DeCenzo, D. and Robbins, S. (2007) Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 9e p4 John Wiley & Sons Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World, by Bateman and Snell (8th edition, 2009) Retrieved from EBook Collection,

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Judith Guest’s “Ordinary People”

Ordinary People Ordinary People by Judith Guest is the story of a dysfunctional family who relate to one another through a series of extensive defense mechanisms, i. e. an unconscious process whereby reality is distorted to reduce or prevent anxiety. The book opens with seventeen year old Conrad, son of upper middle-class Beth and Calvin Jarrett, home after eight months in a psychiatric hospital, there because he had attempted suicide by slashing his wrists. His mother is a meticulously orderly person who, Jared, through projection, feels despises him. She does all the right things; attending to Jared's physical eeds, keeping a spotless home, plays golf and bridge with other women in her social circle, but, in her own words â€Å"is an emotional cripple†. Jared's father, raised in an orphanage, seems anxious to please everyone, a commonplace reaction of individuals who, as children, experienced parental indifference or inconsistency. Though a successful tax attorney, he is jumpy around Conrad, and, according to his wife, drinks too many martinis. Conrad seems consumed with despair. A return to normalcy, school and home-life, appear to be more than Conrad can handle. Chalk-faced, hair-hacked Conrad seems bent on erpetuating the family myth that all is well in the world. His family, after all, â€Å"are people of good taste. They do not discuss a problem in the face of the problem. And, besides, there is no problem. † Yet, there is not one problem in this family but two – Conrad's suicide and the death by drowning of Conrad's older brother, Buck. Conrad eventually contacts a psychiatrist, Dr. Berger, because he feels the â€Å"air is full of flying glass† and wants to feel in control. Their initial sessions together frustrate the psychiatrist because of Conrad's inability to express his feelings. Berger cajoles him into expressing his emotions by saying, â€Å"That's what happens when you bury this junk, kiddo. It keeps resurfacing. Won't leave you alone. † Conrad's slow but steady journey towards healing seems partially the result of cathartic revelations which purge guilt feelings regarding his brother's death and his family's denial of that death, plus the â€Å"love of a good woman. Jeannine, who sings soprano to Conrad's tenor†¦ There is no doubt that Conrad is consumed with guilt, â€Å"the feeling one has when one acts contrary to a role he has assumed while interacting with a ignificant person in his life,† This guilt engenders in Conrad feelings of low self esteem. Survivors of horrible tragedies, such as the Holocaust, frequently express similar feelings of worthlessness. In his book, â€Å"Against All Odds†, William Helmreich relates how one survivor articulates a feeling of abandonment. â€Å"Did I abandon them, or did they abandon me? † Conrad expresses a similar thought in remembering the sequence of events when the sailboat they were on turned over. Buck soothes Conrad saying, â€Å"Okay, okay. They'll be looking now, for sure, just hang on, don't get tired, promise? In an imagined conversation ith his dead brother, Conrad asks, â€Å"‘Man, why'd you let go? ‘ ‘Because I got tired. ‘ ‘The hell! You never get tired, not before me, you don't! You tell me not to get tired, you tell me to hang on, and then you let go! ‘ ‘I couldn't help it. Well, screw you, then! ‘† Conrad feels terrible anger with his brother, but cannot comfortably express that anger. His psychiatrist, after needling Conrad, asks, â€Å"Are you mad? When Conrad responds that he is not mad, the psychiatrist says, â€Å"Now that is a lie. You are mad as hell. † Conrad asserts that, â€Å"When you let yourself feel, all you feel is lousy. † When his psychiatrist questions im about his relationship with his mother, Calvin says, â€Å"My mother and I do not connect. Why should it bother me? My mother is a very private person. † This sort of response is called, in psychological literature, â€Å"rationalization†. We see Conrad's anger and aggression is displaced, i. e. vented on another, as when he physically attacked a schoolmate. Yet, he also turns his anger on himself and expresses in extreme and dangerous depression and guilt. â€Å"Guilt is a normal emotion felt by most people, but among survivors it takes on special meaning. Most feel guilty about the death of loved ones whom they feel they could ave, or should have, saved. Some feel guilty about situations in which they behaved selfishly (Conrad held on to the boat even after his brother let go), even if there was no other way to survive. In answer to a query from his psychiatrist on when he last got really mad, Conrad responds, â€Å"When it comes, there's always too much of it. I don't know how to handle it. † When Conrad is finally able to express his anger, Berger, the psychiatrist says to Calvin, â€Å"Razoring is anger; self-mutilation is anger. So this is a good sign; turning his anger outward at last. † Because his family, and especially his mother, frowns upon ublic displays of emotion, Conrad keeps his feelings bottled up, which further contributes to depression. Encyclopedia Britannica, in explicating the dynamics of depression states, â€Å"Upon close study, the attacks on the self are revealed to be unconscious expressions of disappointment and anger toward another person, or even a circumstance†¦ deflected from their real direction onto the self. The aggression, therefore, directed toward the outside world is turned against the self. † The article further asserts that, â€Å"There are three cardinal psychodynamic considerations in depression: (1) a deep sense of loss of what is oved or valued, which may be a person, a thing or even liberty; (2) a conflict of mixed feelings of love and hatred toward what is loved or highly valued; (3) a heightened overcritical concern with the self. † Conrad's parents are also busily engaged in the business of denial. Calvin, Conrad's father, says, â€Å"Don't worry. Everything is all right. By his own admission, he drinks too much, â€Å"because drinking helps†¦ , deadening the pain†. Calvin cannot tolerate conflict. Things must go smoothly. â€Å"Everything is jello and pudding with you, Dad. † Calvin, the orphan says, â€Å"Grief is ugly. It is something to be afraid of, to get id of†. â€Å"Safety and order. Definitely the priorities of his life. He constantly questions himself as to whether or not he is a good father. â€Å"What is fatherhood, anyway? Beth, Conrad's mother, is very self-possessed. She appears to have a highly developed super-ego, that part of an individual's personality which is â€Å"moralistic†¦ , meeting the demands of social convention, which can be irrational in requiring certain behaviors in spite of reason, convenience and common sense†. She is furthermore, a perfectionist. â€Å"Everything had to be perfect, never mind the impossible hardship it worked on her, on hem all. † Conrad is not unlike his mother. He is an overachiever, an â€Å"A† student, on the swim team and a list-maker. His father tells the psychiatrist, â€Å"I see her not being able to forgive him. For surviving, maybe. No, that's not it, for being too much like her. † A psychoanalyst might call her anal retentive. Someone who is â€Å"fixated symbolically in orderliness and a tendency toward perfectionism†. â€Å"Excessive self-control, not expressing feelings, guards against anxiety by controlling any expression of emotion and denying emotional investment in a thing or person. â€Å"She had not cried at the funeral†¦. She and Conrad had been strong and calm throughout. The message of the book is contained in Berger's glib saying that, â€Å"People who keep stiff upper lips find that it's damn hard to smile†. We see Conrad moving toward recovery and the successful management of his stage of development, as articulated by Erikson, â€Å"intimacy vs. isolation†. At story end, his father is more open with Conrad, moving closer to him, while his mother goes off on her own to work out her issues. Both trying to realize congruence in their development stage (Erikson), â€Å"ego integrity vs. despair†.

How has Baz Luhrman used sound effects to appeal to a younger audience?

Baz Luhrman uses sound, music and speech to have an exiting and appealing effect on a younger audience. It helps us identify the characters, the Montague's and Capulets, because we get a sense that these two groups are totally different and have a conflicting style of music to acquaint them. The various sounds effects used to help us, the audience, see the Montague's ‘Boyz' as cowardly and spineless and the music that they are listening too ‘The boys the boys†¦' tells us that they are young boys not men this is reflected through their music. Whereas the sound effects with the Capulets are more bullying and sinister. Baz Luhrman helps the young audience judge clearly between these two gangs, and the music and SFX help the audience create a personal impression of them. The Montague's are childish, juvenile, and loud, use toilet humour and are trying to be noticed; the Capulets comparison to the Montague's are powerful, forceful, skilled fighters and are feared like criminals. At the start of the film Baz Luhrman has used a female newsreader. The newsreader is serious, straight – faced and straight to the point. It seems like a normal day to day news bulletin; also the background of the newsroom is a dark and sinister colour. Straight after that we hear the same monologue but it's a male voice over. The voice over has a serious deep gravely voice also Irish, this, to the audience makes you want to listen more. As the voice over reads it much slower we can hear it clearer and as it's the second time being read out we can understand what they are actually saying. While the voice over is speaking the audience can see continuous images being fired at the screen with key words from the monologue. Baz Luhrman has used sound and image to help us, the young viewers, understand Shakespeare's language by being bombarded by sound and imagery. You can read also Audience Adaptation Paper The sound also creates tension, when the music is at a high pitch. We can hear high pitched voices, as if there were angles looking down or looking over what is happening. The voices could also represent what's happening, as the two gangs are at war. The use of the helicopter sounds gives us a wider impression of what maybe happening, for example, war, fighting, battles and the landscapes. The Capulets are introduced by their own music. Their music has a sense of western; the viewers also get to hear the roar of their engine as it starts up. The audience is in anticipation when the fighting starts, it seems like the two gangs are waiting for a showdown, all is quite and the viewers are left waiting in fear for the first gun shot. The Montague's are like ‘boy racers' they really want to be noticed. They do this by shouting out, having their music turned up full blast. They use a lot of toilet humour as well as making gestures to the nuns. They live in this care free world where nothing else matters excepted them messing around ‘boys playing with their toys'.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Program Evaluation Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Program Evaluation Plan - Assignment Example The two slide presentation workshops will concentrate on the effectiveness and informative value of the visual aids used by the supervisors. From the workshops, it is expected that the supervisors will increase the quality of their oral presentation skills by 30th April, 2015. The supervisors will also get three sessions of one-on-one coaching on how to give employees positive and negative feedback on their work performance. Later, the supervisors will also get a tutorial on how to provide accurate, complete, useful written performance feedback that is in compliance with company’s policy and state law. The company will provide the required venue, table, and chairs. The ABC Company HR communication specialist will conduct all sessions. From the coaching sessions and the tutorial, it is expected that the supervisors will have increased the quality of their ability to provide performance feedback to employees by April 30, 2015. Progress on the indicators will be measured by the number of sessions delivered, the number of sessions each supervisor attended, the level of participation of each supervisor, length of sessions and the adherence to workshop delivery plan by the official in charge (Fink, 2015). Program process will be evaluated by examining whether the program was implemented with fidelity and adapted to the target population. It is expected that an acceptable degree of program fidelity will be maintained, and the program will be reviewed for appropriateness. Program outcomes will be evaluated by examining program’s influence on the supervisors’ communication skills. Monthly communication skills assessments will be updated every month by the Communication Specialist. The attendance and participation rates will also be recorded and an implementation record developed by the Communication Specialist upon conclusion of every session. Surveys will be

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Critical assesment of geochemistry and geophysics Essay

Critical assesment of geochemistry and geophysics - Essay Example It is mostly the remnants that have been buried by layers soil and rocks that have higher chances of being preserved. This is because the exposed cultural remnants may be displaced by anthropogenic or environmental factors (Blofeld J. 2004 p.71). The buried remains are usually covered with sediments accretion from water and wind erosion or natural processes such as earthquakes, mud flows and earth quakes. Some old structures may also be buried when new ones are built on top of them. The buried remains are effectively explored through geophysical and geochemical prospecting. These methods are efficient in detecting the invisible characteristics of the remains. The devices used in are significant in distinguishing between relics, which is significant in tracing human remains. The two techniques were developed in a bid to increase professionalism in archeology. The use of geophysics is an effective way of detecting deviations in the magnetic field of the earth through the use of magnetometers. These magnetic fields emanate from artifacts of iron metal as well as structures that were made of stone. Together with these techniques, devices that measure electrical resistance of the soil are also used (Bose R. N. 2005 pp.56-57). Geophysical and geochemical prospecting are two major techniques that have been widely employed. The two techniques are significant in the identification of human activities that exist as remains buried under the earth surface. The characteristics of the remains are analyzed by an expert who establishes whether they represent human activities or natural factors. The archeological site of Apamee was investigated with the use of the two techniques. They have enhanced the understanding of this archeological site. In the United Kingdom, the two techniques have been applied in many archeological surveys (Braithwaite, R. 2001 pp. 121-123). Fluxgate gradiometers are the most commonly used for surveying due to the fact that they are affordable for

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Credit Crunch and Commodities Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6500 words

Credit Crunch and Commodities Market - Essay Example This issue is affecting world trade in that it is currently making it difficult for banks to provide loans to businesses given the significant losses encountered so far as following prior sub-prime mortgage lending. Following from the integration of capital markets, the credit crunch will lead to a fall in stock markets in the US and this may be transmitted through contagion to other major stock markets of the world such as the U.K, China, Japan, EU, etc. International organizations may witness a drop in their stock prices. In addition, the credit crunch may lead to greater fluctuations in exchange rates and interest rates and this will mean that international organizations need to rethink their risk management policies. This led to a tightening of credit because banks faced a liquidity problem arising out of the high rate of defaults on mortgages. The stocks of banks and financial institutions began to slide and the Dow Jones experienced a significant fall in points as several large financial institutions in the United States hovered on the brink of bankruptcy. Some financial institutions received help from the Government while others like Shearson Lehman filed for bankruptcy. The crisis in the financial institutions and the tightening credit also had repercussions on the rest of the economy, resulting in a drop in consumer confidence and purchasing with the economy sliding into a recession. 1.1Problem Statement and Research Questions Following the present global financial crisis that has created havocs into the global financial system and the world economy. The paper expects to provide answers to the following questions: How have the crises affect commodity prices in the... As the report declares the stocks of banks and financial institutions began to slide and the Dow Jones experienced a significant fall in points as several large financial institutions in the United States hovered on the brink of bankruptcy. Some financial institutions received help from the Government while others like Shearson Lehman filed for bankruptcy. The crisis in the financial institutions and the tightening credit also had repercussions on the rest of the economy, resulting in a drop in consumer confidence and purchasing with the economy sliding into a recession. This study will examine the current financial crisis caused by the decline in the availability of credit and the impact of the credit crunch on the commodities market. The major source of data for this study will be the literature review, taking into account the views of experts on the causes of the credit crunch and the consequences that arise in the commodities market as a result of the credit crunch. In addition to this secondary data, the primary data used in this study is the price indices of different commodities as reported by the IMF over the years, in order to examine the changes that are discernable in the commodities market due to the credit crunch. Attention will also be on the activities of some major banks. The rest of the paper is organised as follows: part two presents a theoretical framework where major terms and theories relating to the study are discussed, it also provides a review of relevant literature which enables the researcher to identify gaps in the literatu re.

Friday, July 26, 2019

How to make a new friends Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How to make a new friends - Essay Example Getting more out of the current relationship and meeting entirely new people can go a long way because many people find it uneasy to access potential new friends. According to â€Å"Better Health Channel† meeting new friends requires an individual to have lots of potential friends around them and make effort to know and understand them on a daily basis (Web). Pulling out of day-to-day routine is essential in meeting new friends especially by participating in hobbies or communities where one can naturally meet new people. Getting involved in people-oriented activities may help in knowing new people sharing many things in common as yours. Meeting someone new for the first time initially requires that you talk to them about common things such as weather, hobby, politics or a sporting event (Rubin Web). Initiating small talk naturally may help in giving a good impression to the person who will in turn be free to share with you because you are approachable. There must be a consistent style of contacting the person even after the first impression because meeting afterwards strengthens the relationship and enables the two becoming more close to each other. Another best way of maintaining a closer relationship is constant communication through cell phone and social networking although face to face is the sure way to improve relationship into a new friend. According to Rubin, inviting potential friends to do something together or hanging out and doing something outside of the situation you met may is an important experience in strengthening the relationship (Web). Although most people may find it a little hesitant to invite people out because it is a little scary at first and because of risk of rejection, it is not as bad as asking someone out on a date; it is much simpler. It also depends mostly on how you met since some people may be invited out fairly while others may be waited for a while, for example a month before

Thursday, July 25, 2019

IDiscusson board reply Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

IDiscusson board reply - Coursework Example The verse refers to the centurion’s servant as â€Å"dear.† The centurion sees the servant as important, and he values his wellbeing too. The employers expect respect in return if they treat their employees well as it creates a good working environment. The Bible says, â€Å"We should sincerely obey, respect and serve a boss as if he were Christ,† (Ephesians 6.5-8). That verse illustrates that employees need to respect the employers. Nevertheless, they must work hard to earn it. It is only through exercising good deeds will they obtain it. Additionally, employers and employees interact in human relationships built on trust and friendship. Therefore, the employers should treat the employees the way they expect to be treated if they were in the same position and should avoid judging other. In support for this postulation the Bible says in Mark 12:31, that â€Å"you shall love your neighbor as yourself,† that is a proof the employers should not act in favor of policies that harm their employees. Instead, the policies must empower the workers to live better lives. Lastly, the employer implements those policies as a matter of expressing kindness. Human relationships dictate that people be kind so that they share freely. Even though, the employees also have a responsibility of reciprocating to their employers; employers should set the pace by formulating and implementing favorable policies to employees’

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

HR's Role in an Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HR's Role in an Organization - Essay Example Huge responsibility is laid on medical staff, whom we entrust with the most important thing that we have – own health. In this respect, the process of choosing and recruiting the right employees becomes the most initial for medical establishments. Effective and correct work of personnel influences on the customer’s satisfaction, which in its turn affect competitiveness, reputation and profits of the hospital. Sometimes one little mistake of medical employee is able to cause drastic and destructive consequences, which also not always can be remediable. For avoiding such situation and providing clients with highly qualitative treatment, it is recommended to take the recruitment, development and training of human resources into careful consideration. It is important to realize the significance of appropriate personnel, which is able to become the biggest competitive benefit of the organization only on conditions that a company implements various programs of constant develo pment and improvement of workers’ productivity. ... Human recourses as competitive advantage Today more and more companies start to realize that human is the most significant factor for pushing own business to effectiveness and profitability. However, only few of them pay much attention at personnel development, considering such action as money-loosing. In reality numerous practical examples show that the more entrepreneur spends up on own staff the bigger return comes later on. Competition can be rather unsteady phenomenon, which depends on various elements. The most considerable of them is highly professional service that makes clients content and creates customer’s loyalty. Frequently one detail of personnel’s work can affect customer’s attitude to the whole company. And with a help of word of mouth one unsatisfied consumer is able to influence on groups of people, which in own turn can proceed the chain of negative review. But if a company has a qualified team of real specialists, who posses deep knowledge alo ng with good interpersonal skills and comprehend the significance of customer’s satisfaction, then such enterprise will be in demand on the market. That is why effectively used human resources can become a huge competitive advantage that manages to attract new customers and affect the financial results of company’s performance later on. Despite developed equipment and new techniques used during medical procedures, the personnel of Laurel Surgery and Endoscopy Center guarantees a good old-fashioned patient care. Medical staff of the center looks after each client extremely attentively, ensuring pre- and post-operative treatment, the questions about which potential patients may find out from the

Definition of The Word Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Definition of The Word Technology - Essay Example The discovery of one technology paves the way for the discovery of another new technology because there is no short cut to success. In order to achieve a goal, we have to move step by step. Human beings have made rapid inroads into the world of technology. The world technology plays a pivotal role in this world. For me, the word technology is very important. I see it the mean to peace, stability, and prosperity. Technology has revolutionized the world in the past, making better out lives in the present time and making it easy to tackle future challenges to the world. The wheel is regarded as one of the greatest discovery and technology by man because it had revolutionized the transportation. Another important technology was the steam engine, and it was discovered by James Watt. The discovery of the steam engine paved the way for the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century in England. Later, 19th and 20th centuries witnessed great inventions and technological advancements in the history of the world. And no in the 21st century, with each day we are finding new and new solutions to our problems. Gone are the days when people had been influenced by the environment. In modern day world, human beings are at the helm of the world. Some people mistakenly think that only computer science related innovations are technology. It is not true. Technology can be any scientific method of performing work in less effort and more productivity. It is well-established fact that necessity is the mother of invention or technology. So from this fact, it is evident that every invention or technology is for some benefit of human beings. It is important to mention here that some technologies are invented to destroy human beings rather than serve human beings. Atom bombs and Hydrogen bombs are perfect examples of this fact. The technology is so much important for human beings. Technology has revolutionized the world. We did not get here in a day.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Research method Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Research method - Assignment Example The bank presents different offers to Super Cars; the option to receive payment after three months of entering the deal, or receiving the payment after one year. By unleashing these contrasting offers, the bank wants to also shield itself from the effects of uncertainties in the international market, thereby offering Super Cars minimum cushioning from the same. The Super Cars’ resolve to opt for the three-month payment duration presents better value for the firm, and subsequently affirms greater exposure to risk for HSBC. Finally, HSBC evaluates two options with the foreign currency it acquires: to either convert the currency to dollars immediately or after one year. This is done through examining strategies to mitigate effects of currency value fluctuations that the bank could use. The USA Super Cars sells luxury sports cars to buyers in different destinations around the world. Over the next one year, the firm will be expected to supply the UK, Japanese, Canadian, South African and the local US markets with sports cars. In order to determine the expected prices of the products at the time they will be shipped to requested destinations (the cars will be required exactly one year from now), the firm has taken forecasted estimates of the dollar’s exchange rates against the foreign currencies in the target markets. This way, it is possible to fairly estimate the amount of revenue expected from the sales, considering both the lower and upper bounds for the same. This report examines the value of the offer presented by HSBC to USA Super Cars, its ability to cushion the latter from expected risks and the ability to generate a profit for HSBC. Note: In these calculations, the totals are subsequently divided by n = 27 (the number of cars that have been ordered by the domestic and foreign buyers) in order to work with the formula for z-scores. = (81,481.48 – 113,011.1) / 16,491.40 = -1.912, equivalent to the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Components of Economy Essay Example for Free

Components of Economy Essay Human activities which generate income are known as economic activities. All the economic activities are classified into three categories viz. primary, secondary and tertiary. Activities that are directly associated with environment are known as primary activities as they refer to utilization of natural resources like land, water, vegetation, minerals etc. When primary goods are used to produce some other articles or commodities, either manually or by machines, then this activity is known as secondary activity. For both primary and secondary activities, we require a substantial amount of support services which are known as tertiary activities. 1.Primary Activities People engaged in primary activities are called red collar workers due to outdoor nature of their work. Agriculture, fishing, live-stock rearing, mining are some of the examples of primary activities. In most of the developing countries including India, primary activities still provide substantial earnings especially in rural areas. These activities are important as they provide livelihood for the human beings and are backbone of industry as most of the raw materials are provided by them. Many countries in Africa and Asia and some parts of Europe and the USA are heavily dependent on this sector for economic development. 2.Secondary Activities These activities add value to natural resources by transforming raw materials into valuable and useful products. Secondary activities, thus, are concerned with manufacturing, processing and construction (infrastructure) industries. Thus, there is some mutual dependency between primary and secondary activities. Secondary activities, thus require human skills, technology, funds, mechanization, electricity or other form of power. 3.Tertiary Activities Tertiary activities are related to the service sector. All those activities which provide support to primary and secondary activities and link the producers and consumers are called as tertiary activities. The main difference between secondary and tertiary activities is that the expertise provided by tertiary or service sectors relies more heavily on specialized skills, experience and knowledge of workers rather than on the production techniques, machinery and factory processes. Transportation, trade, banking, communication, insurance are some of the examples of such services. This sector is growing at a phenomenal rate in India and provides attractive employment opportunities.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Population Growth on Environment

Impact of Population Growth on Environment Thesis Statement: The negative impact of increasing population pressure upon environment may be at least partially improved by relocating people. Introduction The intimate relationship of geography and environment helps us to comprehend many salient features of history and the changes that occurred from generation to generation. A greater appreciation for environment may stem from deeper understanding of humanity in their complex aspects constituting life, work and play. Political economy may be understood as a union of agriculture with the different social, economic and political aspects of our existence. (Castree et al, Making Sense of Environmental Geography) The sustainability of the earth’s resources is being put to the severest test at the present moment when 7 billion people crowd the planet with excessive concentrations in some areas like Kolkata. On the other hand, some locations like Canada and Australia have a very low population density. Several other countries like Iceland and Bhutan have fewer people. The frozen wastes of the Arctic and Antarctic regions have no inhabitants only because conditions are not conducive to a normal existence. (Eaton, On the Farm and in the Field) While we cannot survive in difficult conditions of the earth, science dreams of colonizing other planets like Mars as an alternative to the earthly existence. What could be the causes of such a mismatch? Is it only an oddity of history or are pressing economic, social, religious or political factors behind such a divide. Are there any solutions like bringing about a global balance not only in population density but resources, standard of living, food, health and economic resources? The Kolkata Scenario: THE LAST TABOO In 2009, the world consumed the resources that would have belonged to 1.35 earths. United Nations believes that stability to the earth’s population would arrive in 2050 with 9.1 billion people. Strangely enough, the earth population was 3.3 billion in 1965. Of the 157 added to the world population every minute, only 4 are in the developed countries with 153 in the backward regions. Eastern India is home to 300 million or the entire population of USA. Excessive population and consumption problems are most severe in India. Hard to believe but in India, 17 percent of the global human population occupy 2.5 percent of the land resources. If the case of Kolkata is contrasted with America, it is a strange story of statistics beyond belief. The per capita consumption and income levels are at different ends of the spectrum. If people in Kolkata can survive on a dollar a day, Americans earn several dollars in a single hour. The absolutely unequal distribution of opportunities, wealth, education, health and lifestyle has been the topic of much heated debate. Is there a philosophical basis behind it? Why do people say that the world is almost equally divided between the haves and have-nots? How does Population impact Environment? It would be appropriate to commence with agricultural practice that sustains us in the first place and also includes the highest number of workers, both human and animal though more of mechanized farming is nowadays visible. Agriculture impacts the environment by releasing greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, methane too. Agriculture changes the land and leads to deforestation and a desert like condition. Climate change results from global warming and rising carbon dioxide levels and impacts agriculture positively and negatively. Irrigation reduces underground water levels. Over-irrigation may lead to water pollution. Agricultural chemicals soon turn into pollutants through misuse. The soil is degraded and plastics do further damage to the already fragile environment. Technology upon which the majority of urban lives depend has succeeded in creating an artificial order at the expense of a natural disorder. Metals and plastics are the chief pollutants besides industrial wastes dumped into river ways. The use of petroleum products only painfully reminds that oil reserves are finite and would exhaust sooner rather than later. The search for renewable sources of energy is never ending. Nuclear power has its dangers of radiation that enters living tissues and causes devastation. Fishing is depleting rivers and oceans besides the loss of ecological habitats due to greedy over ambitious entrepreneurs. Nanotechnology, paint and paper in spite of their tremendous benefits are harmful in diverse ways. Causes for Human Migration and Relocation Political and linguistic domination seems to be the heart of large scale movement of people. Stalin deported 1.5 million political enemies toSiberiaand theCentral Asianrepublics after the Second World War. Mussolini‘s establishment in Italy forced the minorities to adopt the national language and ethos. They wished to obliterate remnants of any race besides their own. All through recorded history we come across large scale movement of people based on religious, racial or political grounds. What can explain this large scale exodus? And what are the possible causes of banishment and exile? Like the ongoing Syrian war crisis, war affects the peaceful lives of people and thousands suddenly turn refugees when they are compelled to cross international borders to escape atrocities or to enter refugee camps to have their basic needs fulfilled. The partition and Independence of India in 1947 created two states along religious lines. The two religions Hinduism and Islam migrated across vast territories in the midst of violence, many having lost possessions and property. Political and religious enmity seems to make sense. Genocide or the destruction of an entire race that is considered inferior is what Hitler attempted during the Second World War. Migration and relocation for the sake of a better life with greater incomes, peace and prosperity attracts lakhs of people across dangerous illegal journeys each year. Many never make it in the process called human smuggling, a well run business across the globe. After the internal Bhutanese dispute with the Nepalis settled in the southern border of Bhutan, large scale evictions of Nepalis took place. The displaced people landed in refugee camps in Nepal and India. Many of them got to eventually live and work in USA. The most advanced country America isolated the native people in selected areas or reserves for unknown political reasons. CONCLUSION Having looked at the complex causes of history, environment, production and inequality, a possibility of leveling the human scenario to some semblance of justice may be achieved by relocating and transferring segments of populations. Something in the nature of adoption that is already practiced somewhat widely like Russian exchange students living in American homes; backward communities of Kolkata may be relocated to better off nations that suffer from population shortage. In spite of adjustment problems, people will work and earn in the new lease of existence. Many such countries like Australia and Canada want more people. If people have migrated on religious and political grounds, such a movement on humanitarian grounds could change the face of history. Who would organize it? United Nations, perhaps with the backing of the rich countries. REFERENCES: Castree, Noel et al. Introduction: Making sense of Environmental Geography Eaton, Emily. On the Farm and in the Field Sherbinin, Alex et al. POPULATION AND ENVIRONMENT List of Environmental Problems Rand, Population and Environment (A Complex Relationship)

Analysis Of Feyerabends Against Method Philosophy Essay

Analysis Of Feyerabends Against Method Philosophy Essay Paul, Karl Feyerabend (1924-1994) is one representative of the post positivism, studies Philosophy and Methodology of Science.  He formulated a number of fruitful methodological ideas, developed the anarchist theory of knowledge, which has received great attention in the international philosophical community. Paul Karl Feyerabend was born January 13, 1924 in Vienna.  He received an excellent education.  His interests were very different: in Weimar, he studied drama in London, and in Copenhagen he studied philosophy, microphysics, and in Vienna history.  His teaching career began in Vienna as an assistant professor of the Vienna Institute of Arts and Sciences.  From 1951 he lectured at the University of Bristol, from 1958 he worked in the U.S. (because of this it is usually ranked among the American Scientists).   Name Feyerabend has acquired international fame thanks to the concept of epistemological anarchism.  Furthermore, Feyerabend criticizes the view that the theory is just a convenient scheme for organizing facts.  He emphasizes that every scientific theory has its own special way of viewing the world.  Her perception is influenced by peoples shared beliefs and expectations, and through this the experience and our perception of the real.  It turns out that the facts and experimental results, serve as a measure of reliability theory in the classical science, is not so infallible, but rather due to the original setting of the researcher.  On the basis of this statement, Feyerabend introduces the rule, which states that it is necessary to introduce and develop hypotheses that are incompatible with the well-grounded theory that existed previously with the facts and the experimental data.  Because it is often the evidence that can disprove a theory, it can be obtained only by us ing an alternative that is incompatible with this theory.  The recommendation to use an alternative only after a denial has discredited the orthodox theory, puts, according to Feyerabend, the cart before the horse.  The rule of the Feyerabend puts the basis of its pluralistic methodology.  In the article against the methodological constraint (Against Method, London: Verso, 1975) Feyerabend wrote that a true scientist should compare ideas with other ideas, not experience, and seek to improve those concepts that were defeated in the competition, rather than discard them.  In doing so, he retains the concept of man and cosmos as contained in the book of Life or Pomander, and will use them to gauge the success of the theory of evolution and other innovative concepts.  Feyerabend gained fame largely due to the requirement to develop incompatible with the facts of the theory on the grounds, that there was no single more or less interesting theory, which is consistent with all kn own facts.  It was for the possible existence of a pluralistic methodology to the lack of established standards, propaganda, coercion.  Hence the thesis that everything is permissible (anything goes). Feyerabend said that science is a relatively new form of knowledge that occurred two hundred years ago, which was born in a fierce conflict with religion and, perhaps, itself sooner or later be barred from forward positions in any other form of knowledge. Science is much closer to myth than willing to allow philosophy of science.  It dazzles only those who have already decided in favor of a particular ideology or not at all reflect on the advantages and limitations of science.  After all, modern science is dominated not by virtue of its merits, but because of the organized for her advocacy and promotions.  This is a form of ideology, and it, according to Feyerabend, should be separated from the state, as is already done in regard to religion.  How can be organized the state, in which there is an approach to science? First of all, Feyerabend rejects the idea that to solve the problems there should be a theory, developed by experts, for example,  intellectuals who explain what is possible and what is impossible.  In a free society, intellectuals, and ideas that their value, and the ways that they deem most appropriate, represent only one of many traditions.  Problems are solved by non-specialist (though their advice is not ignored).  Feyerabend writes: But take, for example, the idea of motion of the Earth.  It originated in antiquity, was defeated by arguments and then was considered an incredible absurdity of Ptolemy, and, nevertheless, returned in triumph in the 18 century.  One can cite many other examples to prove the following moral: the time lag in the development of some ideology (which is a bunch of theories, connected with a specific method and more general philosophical concept) should not be considered grounds for its removal. To create a free society, there should be provided equal rights to all traditions, but in order to implement this project to change the structure of society from the ideological to the protective (do not impose a theory as required, but supporting all theories).  Of course, Feyerabend often has been accused of outrageous and utopian, but we cannot deny the positive influence of his critics on the academic, an established and dogmatize science. In his book Against Method and Science in a free society, Feyerabend defended the idea that there is no methodological rules, which are always used by scientists.  He opposed a single, tradition, scientific method, arguing that any such method of putting some limits on the activities of scientists, and thus limits of the progress.  According to his view, science would benefit most from a dose of anarchism in scientific theory. He also believed that anarchism in theory is desirable, because it is more humanistic approach than the other scientific systems, since it does not force scientists to rigid rules. Can we exclude the possibility that the presently known science, or search for truth in the style of traditional philosophy, will turn a man into a monster?  Is it possible to exclude the possibility that it will be waning man turned into a miserable, moody, arrogant mechanism, devoid of charm and sense of humor?  Can we rule out the possibility asks Kierkegaard that my work as an objective or rational critical observer of nature weakens my human nature? I believe that the answer to all these questions must be negative, and I am sure that  Reform of Sciences will make them more anarchistic and more subjective (in Kierkegaards sense) is essential. (Against Method) Feyerabends position in the philosophical community is radical enough, since it implies that philosophy cannot successfully describe science as a whole, nor can it develop a method of separating scientific papers on nonscientific entities, such as myths.  It also suggests that developed and recommended by the philosophy of common course of science should be rejected by scientists, if it is necessary for further progress. To support his contention that adherence to methodological rules does not lead to success in science, Feyerabend cites examples to refute statements that would (correctly) help the science is valid corresponds to certain fixed rules.  He considers some of the episodes in the history of science considered as the indisputable examples of progress in science (such as the scientific revolution of Copernicus), and shows that in these cases violated all accepted rules of science.  Moreover, he argues that if these rules are adhered to, then in these historical situations scientific revolution could not happen. One of the criteria for evaluating scientific theories, which have been actively criticized by Feyerabend is a criterion for consistency.  He points out that the insistence on the fact that the new theory has consistently continued the old theory that gives undue advantage of the old theories, and that the sequence with respect to the old theories does not lead to the fact that the new theory describes reality better than another new theory, which is a  sequence not in compliance.  That is, if you need to choose between two equally compelling theories, the choice of one of them, which is compatible with the old, already invalid theory will be more aesthetic choice, rather than rational.  After the acquaintance with such theory, scientists can also be harmful because they do not discard much long-standing bias in the transition to a new theory. Many critics agree with Feyerabend . He states that everyone has the right to choose.  And the option do not drown is not necessarily true.  In other words, it seems that Feyerabend does not believe the pursuit of truth and objectivity, knowledge of concepts about the really important goal. The first step in the critique of conventional human concepts and responses is to get out of the circle and either to invent a new conceptual system, such as a new theory that comes into conflict with the most firmly established observational results and reverses the most plausible theoretical principles, or to transfer  a system of what is science, of religion, mythology, from the ideas of incompetent people, or from the ravings of a madman. Feyerabend 1993. One problem is the concept that blurs the line between Feyerabend process of the invention of a scientific theory and its justification.  Arguing that the source of the theory can be anything goes, he denies the need for rational jus tification of the theory, thus diverting their concept to the region of extreme relativism. For all the apparent humanity of the concept, the desire to create a society where everyone will be developed individually, and the state will protect all forms of knowledge, Feyerabend provisions are too general and abstract. In any of his works he does not explain what in fact is bad in this or that theory, or whether the generally accepted concept about the world order are false. Towards a theory of epistemological anarchism, Feyerabend push its social and political beliefs.  He always came to the consideration of science and its methodology from the standpoint of humanism, happiness, and the free development of all people.He opposed to the spiritual enslavement of people, and rebels against the science when it dogmatization is used as a bondage. Anarchism of Feyerabend is, in fact, a rebellion against the spiritual slavery, which keeps peoples bourgeois culture.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Caesars Conquest Of Gaul Essay -- essays research papers fc

Caesar’s Conquest of Gaul Gaius Julius Caesar, born 100 B.C.E. in Rome to the impoverished patrician Julian Clan, knew controversy at an early age. Nephew to Populare Gaius Marius, he was earmarked by the Optimate dictator Sulla for prosciption after his refusal to divorce his Populare wife, Cinna. Fleeing Rome, and not returning until after Sulla’s resignation in 78 B.C.E, upon his return he gained a position as a pontificate, an important Roman priesthood. Slowly but surely throughout his lifetime he worked his way up the political ladder, eventually becoming Consul, and finally Dictator Perpeteus – Dictator for life. One of the most influential political and military leaders of all time, Caesar was also a highly intelligent man and an exceptional orator. However, acquiring this absolute power was no mean feat, and Caesar had well equipped himself through previous expeditions with all the resources necessary to gain power in Ancient Rome. One such â€Å"expedition† was Julius Caesar’s conquest of Gaul. Through Gaul, Caesar found a way to acquire power and prestige for himself within the Roman political arena. Therefore, Caesar’s conquest of Gaul was incidental to his rise to power, and was merely used as a â€Å"stepping-stone† by which he could climb further up the political ladder, following the traditional path of the cursus honorum. His conquest of Gaul gave him all the resources necessary to climb the political ladder – wealth, popular support by the people of Rome, and, most importantly of all, the support of a staunchly loyal and experienced army. In previous years, Caesar had relied upon the wealth and prestige of others in order to further his own political and military ambitions. Before his governorship of Cisalpine Gaul, he relied heavily upon the financial support of Crassus (whom was his main creditor) to gain favour with the Roman public. However, with his appointment as proconsul of Cisalpine Gaul and Illyricum in 58 B.C.E, Caesar saw an opportunity to increase his own wealth and prestige without relying upon the support of others. To his command of Cisalpine Gaul, he was also later given the command of Transalpine Gaul. His command of the Gallic region had several advantages. Firstly, the Po Valley was an excellent recruiting ground for troops. Secondly through Gaul, Caesar had an opportunity to acquire great wealth, which would be needed to fur... ...on Caesar (Translated by John Dryden) 75 B.C.E. [ON-LINE] (7)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Plutarch on Caesar (Translated by John Dryden) 75 B.C.E. [ON-LINE] (8)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Grant, Michael The Twelve Caesars (1975) Scribner, New York pp 31-33 (9)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gelzer, Matthias Caesar: Politican and Statesman (Translated by Peter Needham) (1968) Harvard University Press pp 329-331 (10)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Plutarch on Caesar (Translated by John Dryden) 75 B.C.E. [ON-LINE] Bibliography Bradley, Pamela Ancient Rome: Using Evidence (1990) Edward Arnold (Australia), Victoria Gelzer, Matthias Caesar: Politican and Statesman (Translated by Peter Needham) (1968) Harvard University Press, Harvard University Grant, Michael The Twelve Caesars (1975) Scribner, New York Plutarch Caesar (Translated by John Dryden) 75 B.C.E. [ON-LINE] Suetonius The Lives of the Caesars, The Deified Julius 110 B.C.E. [ON-LINE]

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sleep Essay -- Sleeping Health Sleep Essays

Sleep â€Å"The worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to, then forcing oneself to stay awake for days on end must surely come a close second.† -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  F Scott Fitzgerald We spend one third of our lives doing it, and yet, some of us never seem to be able to get enough. People all over the world don’t receive enough sleep whether it’s from a medical condition like narcolepsy, or simply not having enough time in a day. The effects of getting a good night’s rest are essential and signs of sleep depravation are not as hard to spot as one may think. Sleep can be compared to quicksand, ignore it and you’ll find yourself trapped. It will take over you’re body and if you try to fight it, the more it wins. The effects of not receiving enough sleep are not uncommon. Sleep depravation has been used throughout history and is common as a form of torture in many POW camps (Victims of Sleep Depravation). Countries, including the United States have used this method to extract information from prisoners. It leaves no physical markings but its psychological effects can be very harmful. Victims will literally go crazy. Those who have gone through it say that no sleep is even worse than starvation. The number of people who suffer from a lack of sleep is growing. This is largely contributed to the increased popularity of late night TV and use of the internet. How many of us can honestly say that we turned the television off in the middle of our favorite show so that we may go to bed at a reasonable hour? While driving a lack of sleep can be just as harmful, if not more, than driving while drunk.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"We had three of our grandchildren in the back seat. They were singing and the radio was blasting and he went off the road. He said he was all right. I was going to drive, but he said I’m fine, I’m fine. The next day I called the doctor.† (Sleep Apnea) Almost half of Americans drive while drowsy. One out of every five drivers actually had to pull over and take a nap. Compared to alcohol, which only slows you’re reflexes, driving while drowsy makes the driver completely unaware of his or her surroundings. This can be extremely dangerous for motorists especially truckers, who more often than not, drive late into the night. (Drowsiness on motorists) Adults are not the only ones effected by a lack of sleep. A one-year-old baby will sleep 16 out of the 24 ... ...p Apnea. 2 February 2004. Narcolepsy Information. 2 February 2004. Don’t Go To Bed Yet. 2 February 2004.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Amphetamines. 23 February 2004.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Got Caffeine? 23 February 2004. Study Confirms Sleep Essential for Creativity. 2 March 2004.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Depressants. 10 March 2004. Night Fever. 10 March 2004.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚,13026,1117085,00.html The Real Victims of sleep Depravation. 10 March 2004.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Insomnia. 10 March 2004.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Kunz, Jeffrey, and Asher Finkel, ed. The American Medical Association Family   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Medical Guide. New York: Random House, Inc. 1987. Stern, Jack, David Carroll. The Home Medical Handbook. New York: David Carroll,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1987. Sleep Essay -- Sleeping Health Sleep Essays Sleep â€Å"The worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to, then forcing oneself to stay awake for days on end must surely come a close second.† -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  F Scott Fitzgerald We spend one third of our lives doing it, and yet, some of us never seem to be able to get enough. People all over the world don’t receive enough sleep whether it’s from a medical condition like narcolepsy, or simply not having enough time in a day. The effects of getting a good night’s rest are essential and signs of sleep depravation are not as hard to spot as one may think. Sleep can be compared to quicksand, ignore it and you’ll find yourself trapped. It will take over you’re body and if you try to fight it, the more it wins. The effects of not receiving enough sleep are not uncommon. Sleep depravation has been used throughout history and is common as a form of torture in many POW camps (Victims of Sleep Depravation). Countries, including the United States have used this method to extract information from prisoners. It leaves no physical markings but its psychological effects can be very harmful. Victims will literally go crazy. Those who have gone through it say that no sleep is even worse than starvation. The number of people who suffer from a lack of sleep is growing. This is largely contributed to the increased popularity of late night TV and use of the internet. How many of us can honestly say that we turned the television off in the middle of our favorite show so that we may go to bed at a reasonable hour? While driving a lack of sleep can be just as harmful, if not more, than driving while drunk.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"We had three of our grandchildren in the back seat. They were singing and the radio was blasting and he went off the road. He said he was all right. I was going to drive, but he said I’m fine, I’m fine. The next day I called the doctor.† (Sleep Apnea) Almost half of Americans drive while drowsy. One out of every five drivers actually had to pull over and take a nap. Compared to alcohol, which only slows you’re reflexes, driving while drowsy makes the driver completely unaware of his or her surroundings. This can be extremely dangerous for motorists especially truckers, who more often than not, drive late into the night. (Drowsiness on motorists) Adults are not the only ones effected by a lack of sleep. A one-year-old baby will sleep 16 out of the 24 ... ...p Apnea. 2 February 2004. Narcolepsy Information. 2 February 2004. Don’t Go To Bed Yet. 2 February 2004.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Amphetamines. 23 February 2004.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Got Caffeine? 23 February 2004. Study Confirms Sleep Essential for Creativity. 2 March 2004.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Depressants. 10 March 2004. Night Fever. 10 March 2004.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚,13026,1117085,00.html The Real Victims of sleep Depravation. 10 March 2004.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Insomnia. 10 March 2004.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Kunz, Jeffrey, and Asher Finkel, ed. The American Medical Association Family   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Medical Guide. New York: Random House, Inc. 1987. Stern, Jack, David Carroll. The Home Medical Handbook. New York: David Carroll,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1987.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Event Management on Dance Shows

Event Management of Dance Shows Events Occurrence happening at a determinable time and place, with or without the  participation  of human  agents. It may be a part of a  chain  of  occurrences  as an effect of a preceding occurrence and as the cause of a succeeding occurrence. Arrival of a  significant  point in time. In  project management, an event  marks  the point in time when a  task is  completed. Events are usually classified either as corporate or private. A professional event manager can ensure that any special event (corporate or private) proceeds flawlessly, is well attended and memorable.This page enlists different types of events, descriptions of their purposes and characteristics, as well as online tutorials that explain how to plan those. 1. Corporate Events: Corporate events can vary greatly and can have a great impact on company image. Planning a corporate event, whether it is a national trade show or a local company picnic recognizing em ployee achievements can be stressful at the least and disastrous if not managed properly. Whether you are launching a new product or trying to retain your loyal customers’ one thing is certain, you need to leave a lasting, positive impression on your audience.A successful event will leave the audience impressed, inspired and motivated to use your company. A poorly planned event can leave employees unmotivated or alienate your target audience. 2. Private Events: Private events are primarily celebrations such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and reunions. At these events the host is usually trying to create memories to last a lifetime. Unfortunately, planning such an event can be time consuming and often the only memory the host has is how much work it was to plan the party. Types of EventsThere are almost countless types of events, some are demanded frequently by customers, others seldom find in-depth information about the most important types of events. Corporate Events Conferences are popular and important business events. Everything about the event management of academic, medical and business conferences Seminars educational events for the training of managers and employees. Most seminars are not comparable with boring lectures. Interactivity is core! Meetings are common business events in large companies, perfect to discuss operational and financial strategiesTeam Building Events key to develop and motivate teams in companies and divisions. Everything about the planning of professional team building events Trade shows exhibitions where companies can present and demonstrate their latest products. A professional presentation is crucial Business Dinners a long-standing corporate tradition to conclude fiscal years, celebrate new milestones or to get in contact with key customers Golf Events golf tournaments or retreats. Those events aim to acquire new customers, to increase customer loyalty or to motivate employees.Press Conferences perfect business events to promote new products, launch marketing campains or to inform the shareholders and public about financial issues Networking Events are personal marketing galas. Such events are great opportunities for contact establishment and personal marketing Incentive Travel are perfect to reward and to motivate employees or to increase customer loyalty and retention. Everything about incentive travel Opening Ceremonies are held to start conventions, annual meetings and other events that last for two or more days.Find everything about opening events Product Launches are critical for the successful market introduction of some products. A perfect product presentation might also increase the media coverage Theme Parties events that devote to a special topic. Popular events are casino nights or Halloween parties. Ideas and planning tips VIP Events are used to increase customer loyalty. Professional planners organizing VIP events that ultimately increase your revenues. Trade Fairs are a gre at opportunity to present your latest products to customers and business partners.Shareholder Meetings are yearly and obligatory events to inform a corporation's shareholders about company issues and to elect the Board of Directors. Award Ceremonies are great events to honour and motivate key staff or to acquire and retain customers. Event planners are able to organize events to remember. Board Meetings focus on strategic goals and visions. The event venue and the planning process should reflect the prestigious nature of these meetings. Executive Retreats escapes from stressful work schedules and the day-to-day business.Learn how they should stimulate free thinking and creativity. Private Events Weddings should be the most important days in the life of brides, grooms and their families. Professional event managers help to plan the events. Birthdays require seldom a professional event manager, but there are exceptions. Find out how event managers can help you to make your party a suc cess. Wedding Anniversaries celebrate milestones in a couple's life together. Ideas and hints that help you to plan those events or find professional even managers.Family Events are great opportunities to assemble whole families. We offer hints and ideas to plan perfect family events like birthdays, weddings, etc. Categories of Events Events can be classified into four broad categories based on their purpose and objective: 1. Leisure events e. g. leisure sport, music, recreation. 2. Cultural events e. g. ceremonial, religious, art, heritage, and folklore. 3. Personal events e. g. weddings, birthdays, anniversaries. 4. Organizational events e. g. commercial, political, charitable, sales etc. Event ManagementEvent management is the application of the management practice of project management to the creation and development of festivals and events. Event management is an exciting and growing industry, as well as a unique career opportunity for everyone with a passion for the planning a nd organizing of events. Many companies and individuals realize they do not have the expertise or time to devote to the task of planning such special events and turn to professionals specializing in event planning. Event management companies can ensure that any event, corporate or private, large or small, goes smoothly.Event management services can be tailored to the client’s needs and budget. Event planning services can include: * Creating a theme to be carried throughout invitations, decorations and promotional items * Securing a location or venue * Choosing entertainment * Planning the menu and securing catering services * Providing an event website with online registration or responses * Marketing and promotions Regardless of the type of event you are planning, an event manager can help you reach the goal of a flawless, memorable event with much less stress.Event Management Companies Event management companies with experienced event planners can mean the difference betwee n a forgettable event and the night of your life. Event management companies come in many different forms, providing varied degrees of service, and can manage the infinite details associated with planning an event from a wedding to launching a new company. Professional planners offer experience that can not only ensure that important decisions will not get overlooked but also that you won’t get bogged down choosing decorations or researching caterers. )  Percept D Mark Founded in 1984, Percept Limited, an entertainment, media and communications company, is at an enviable leadership position today, with a team of over 1,000 people and 62 offices in India and the Middle East and a capitalized billings of about INR 26 billion (FY’11). Percept companies deliver marketing solutions that reach consumers at every moment of their lives. From integrated advertising campaigns, to embedded content, to innovative media solutions; Percept companies construct tailor-made solutions that deliver in both local and global markets.Percept services hundreds of customers in India and West Asia catering to national and multinational clients. Percept operates in 3 verticals: * Percept Entertainment Group  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ this encompasses Television and Movie Content Production, Aggregation, Distribution & Marketing, Ad Films, Celebrity Endorsements and Talent Management, Experiential and Entertainment Marketing, Sports Management and Marketing, Wedding Management, Event Management and Marketing, Entertainment Branding and Marketing, Branded Entertainment, Merchandising, Brand Activations and Promotions, and Entertainment Intellectual Properties. Percept Media Group  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ this comprises of Media Planning, Buying and Representation, Outdoor Media, Retail Media, Rural Media, Digital Media and Digital IPs. * Percept Communications Group  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ this includes Advertising, Brand Communication, Strategy, Creative, Public & Media Relations and Integrated Marketing Commu nication Consultancy services. 2)  Wizcraft International Entertainment Pvt Ltd The origin of what today is the leading name in brand activation and entertainment management was simple.The name sprang from an amalgamation of what the progenitors envisioned; what they wanted the company to stand for; how the company would go about its business. WIZARD/WIZARDRY: exceptional skill or accomplishment in a particular field, a person who is outstandingly gifted. We define it as â€Å"expertise with a touch of magic†. CRAFT: to create with care and eye for detail, a special talent that is honed and polished. Put together the word is a creative redefinition of that certain magic that turns effective communication into inspiring communication.The arc of stars in the logo, disappearing into infinity, are a graphic representation of a memorable trail left behind, after a wand has been skilfully wielded. Every member of the Wizcraft Team is also privileged to suffix their name with â₠¬ËœWiz’ a title that invests them with to having special talent. 3)  Cineyug Entertainment 4)  Cox and King (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions) 5)  Sita Conferences (International Conferences and Exhibitions) 6)  E-Factor (weddings, concerts, International Conferences, Seminars, Television Based Events, Exhibitions, special occasions, corporate events, Road Shows) )  Sercon (Exhibitions, Conventions, Conferences, seminars, Golf Events, Hospitality Events, Road Shows, Brand Promotion, Product launches, Incentives. Special Event: Swarn Sambandh) 8)  Tafcon Group (Trade fair and conference organizers. Development of publicity & promotional activities. Marketing Trade Fairs organized by other Agencies. ) 9)  TCI Consultancy Services and ‘e' Events (conferences, Exhibitions, Seminars, Workshops, Incentives, charters, Delegations, Indian Tours. ) 10)  Fountainhead DanceDance  is an  art form  that generally refers to  movement  of the body, usually rhythmic and to music,  used as a form of  expression,  social  interaction  or presented in a  spiritual  or  performance  setting. Dance may also be regarded as a form of  nonverbal communication  between humans, and is also performed by other  animals  (bee dance,  patterns of behaviour  such as a mating dance). Gymnastics,  figure skating  and  synchronized swimming  are  sports  that incorporate dance, while  martial arts  kata  are often compared to dances. Motion  in ordinarily inanimate objects may also be described as dances (the  leaves  danced in the  wind).Types of dance Dance seems to be a lot like ice cream flavours†¦ it's so hard to choose just one. If you are thinking of trying out a new dance style, there may be a few you haven't even considered. 1. Ballet: Ballet serves as a backbone for many other styles of dance, as many other dance genres are based on ballet. Ballet is based on technique s that have been developed over centuries. Ballet uses music and dance to tell stories. Ballet dancers have the ability to transport an audience to another world. 2. Jazz Jazz is a fun dance style that relies heavily on originality and improvisation.Many jazz dancers mix different styles into their dancing, incorporating their own expression. Jazz dancing often uses bold, dramatic body movements, including body isolations and contractions. 3. Tap Tap dancing is an exciting form of dance in which dancers wear special shoes equipped with metal taps. Tap dancers use their feet like drums to create rhythmic patterns and timely beats. 4. Hip-Hop Hip-hop is a dance style, usually danced to hip-hop music that evolved from the hip-hop culture. Hip-hop includes various moves such as breaking, popping, locking and crumpling, and even house dance.Improvisation and personal interpretation are essential to hip-hop dancing. 5. Modern Modern dance is a dance style that rejects many of the strict r ules of classical ballet, focusing instead on the expression of inner feelings. Modern dance was created as a rebellion against classical ballet, emphasizing creativity in choreography and performance. 6. Swing Swing dance is a lively dance style in which couples swing, spin and jump together. Swing dancing is a general term that means dancing to swing music or music that â€Å"swings. † How can you tell if a song swings? Swing ancers know when a song swings because when they hear it, they can't stand still. 7. Contra Dance Contra dance is a form of American folk dance in which the dancers form two parallel lines and perform a sequence of dance movements with different partners down the length of the line. Contra dances are relaxed with family-like atmospheres. The dancing is excellent exercise, and dancers can set their own pace. Contra dancers are usually friendly, active people with a love of dance. 8. Country and Western Country and western dance includes several dance fo rms, usually danced to country-western music.If you've ever been to a country and western club or tavern, you've probably seen a few cowboy boot-wearing dancers twirling around the dance floor with big smiles on their faces. 9. Belly Dance Belly dance is a unique form of dance characterized by sharp, rolling movements of the hips and abdomen. The true origins of belly dancing are debated among enthusiasts. 10. Flamenco Flamenco dance is an expressive dance form that mixes percussive footwork with intricate hand, arm and body movements. Flamenco is a Spanish art consisting of three forms: Cante, the song, Baile, the dance, and Guitarra, guitar playing. 1. Latin Dance Latin dance is a fast-paced, often sensual, partner dance characterized by sexy hip movements. However, hip movements are not intentional in any of the Latin dances. The hip motion is a natural consequence of changing weight from one foot to the other. 12. Folk Dance Folk dance refers to a variety of dances developed by groups or communities, as opposed to being made up by a choreographer. There are several types of folk dance including clogging, English country dance, international folk dance, Irish dance, Maypole dance, Morris dance, Nordic polkas dance, square dance, and many more.Folk dances are often performed at social events. Popular Dance Shows in India 1. Dance India Dance Zee TV brings to you a unique dance reality show – Lux Dance India Dance – ‘Sabse bade dancing star ki khoj', a show about the common man and great dancing. Lux Dance India Dance endeavour to bring the best dancing flair in front of the viewers. The undisputed disco king Mithun Chakraborty himself is the grand master for the show. The show will be judged by three masters made famous purely by their great work in bollywood – Geeta Kapur, Remo D'souza and Terrence Lewis.The Gujarati ‘chokro' with the chocolate boy looks, Jay Bhanushali, and the popular Soumya Tandon, are the hosts. Lux Danc e India Dance is a dance reality show that extends beyond just the individual participants. It is a contest between 18 participants who have been divided into three groups of 6 participants each named after the masters. The units are called Geeta ki Gang, Terence ki Toli and Remo ke Rangeele! The masters have entered the battlefield armed with their respective teams in the quest to find the deserving winners. 2. Just DanceHrithik Roshan one of the famous actor who is famous for his dance , acting and look now comes first time on Star Plus TV show Just Dance. There are other two hosts who also seat at the hot seat of the Just dance and those are Farah Khan & Vaibhavi Merchant. This show is really make all Indian public crazy because most of the Indian people are say â€Å"Deewane† of Hrithik’s dance and acting. In this Star Plus TV show Hrithik not only guide to the participate but also show his dance on the stage. 3. Nach Baliye Nach Baliye  is a  dance,  reality -television  series  on the  Indian  STARPlus  channel. The contestants are couples who are television stars. The first and second season aired on  Star One  and then shifted to Star Plus. Its name in  Punjabi  is inspired by a song from the  Bollywood  film  Bunty Aur Babli  (2005). 4. Jhalak Dikhla Jaa Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa  is a television reality show and the  Indian  version of BBC's  Strictly Come Dancing  and ABC's  Dancing with the Stars. Sony Entertainment Television  brings  Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa  with new celebrities and well-known faces to perform with professional dance partners on a highly competitive stage.The show is produced by  BBC Worldwide  Productions in India. 5. Boogie Woogie Boogie Woogie  is an Indian Television dance show that airs on  Sony Entertainment Television. In 2008, the series was named with the â€Å"Videocon† because it was sponsored by Videocon. Debuting in 1995, the show is hosted by popularà ‚  Indian  film and television personalities, Naved Jaffrey and Ravi Behl, who also co-created the show with  Javed Jaffrey, who appears as the permanent celebrity judge. The show was relaunched by Sony Entertainment Television in 2003.It has become the longest lasting dance show in  India, going for its 15th year on air this year. The dance show has become so popular on Indian television that they have been afforded the opportunity to produce special championship shows, such as kids' championships, teen championships and celebrity championships, in which various Indian celebrities, such as  Juhi Chawla,  Esha Deol,  Dia Mirza,  Govinda,  Vivek Oberoi  and  Ritesh Deshmukh  have participated. According to the Sony Entertainment Television Asia website, â€Å"there are no prizes for winning†¦ oads of accolades, applause and appreciation†. 6. Zara Nachke Dikha Zara Nachke Dikha  (English: Show Me Your Dance)  is a dance reality show originally air ed on  STAR One  but now airs on  STAR Plus. The series aired July 14, 2008 and was hosted by  Karan Singh Grover  and  Shweta Gulati. All the contestants have a film or television background 7. Chak Dhoom Dhoom Chak Dhoom Dhoom, a dance reality show that showcases little dancers who will compete for the coveted title of the Best Junior Dancing Star. Chak Dhoom Dhoom will see children in the age group of 5 to 14 dances their way into your hearts.After sitting through innumerable auditions and intense initial screening the esteemed jury members Saroj Khan, Ahmed Khan and Vindu Dara Singh handpicked 40 deserving contestants who will face some more music, and dance, at the gala round in Mumbai. While the children gear up for the national level challenge, the Dance Gurus Bosco-Ceaser will be working extremely hard to prepare their tiny wonders. Questionnaire: †¢ What are the objectives (both primary and secondary) of the event? †¢ What is the benefit to the organiz ation? †¢ Are there achievable budgets and results? †¢ Does the concept have the support of your Board or Head Office? Do you need to test by running a pilot event? †¢ What is the division of roles and responsibilities? †¢ How can the event be monitored? †¢ How will the evaluation be carried out? Four principal elements of Events: †¢ Your organization †¢ Publicity †¢ Performers †¢ Sponsors. These four elements are interdependent; if you change one, it affects all of the others. Each of these elements has something to give and something to gain. If you can get all four working in harmony then you will have a successful event. Publicity: The media are in the business of covering news and reporting on local and current events.They may have an interest in covering your event. The amount of press, TV and radio exposure you receive will depend on how genuinely newsworthy the event is and how creative you are in generating media interest. If you cannot secure sufficient â€Å"free† media coverage then you will have to pay for publicity, usually in the form of press and poster advertising. To ensure an audience or participants, you may have to invest in at least some paid advertising. Clearly the performers and sponsors will have their own reasons to wish to see good media exposure before, during and after the event. Performers:The performers are those people upon whose skills and appeal the event is centred: the band that is booked for the rock concert; the auctioneer and auction house undertaking the sale; the teams who will play in the charity sports event, etc. They have much to gain by participating in your event – it may be a professional fee, media coverage, goodwill, enjoyment and team-building opportunities. Sponsors Corporate sponsors may be willing to support your event, especially if they believe that they can get good publicity, generate goodwill, associate with your worthy cause, access VIPs and royalty, and be seen to back a winning event.Sponsors can be asked to underwrite part or all of the costs of running the event. The nature of the event will also have an effect on the decision of the sponsor. Marketing Mix – the 5 Ps When planning an event you must think of the: †¢ People audience/participants/entertainment. †¢ Product type of event. †¢ Price tickets/entry/sponsor. †¢ Place. †¢ Period date. Steps of organizing Dance Events 1. Type of Dance Event: Decide what the type of dance event is going to be, having done your research into your competitors and what will make the organization money.Decide who will organize the event and be responsible for its successful outcome. Type of dance events like organising Dance competition, Annual functions, dance shows etc. 2. Venue: Decide on the best venue. How much will it cost or will it be free? The location is vital: is it easy to reach, does it have sufficient car parking, is it easy to access by public transport, does it have toilets? Is the venue prestigious and attractive to celebrities, e. g. the President’s official residence? If it is an open-air event: is the surface suitable; will there be a need for marshals, what are the safety issues to consider? . Day/date/time: Picking the date and time of an event can make or break it. When will most people be able to attend? Are weekends best or is morning/afternoon/evening the most suitable? What other events are scheduled around the date that you are thinking about? Is there a weather factor to take into account? 4. Permission and assistance: Do you need permission to use the venue from the owner, landowner, and local authority? Or governing? Do you need permission from the police or their assistance with street parades? 5. Budgets: Budgets should cover everything, all income and expenditure.Income includes: †¢ Entry fees †¢ Donations †¢ Company sponsorship †¢ Participants’ sponsorship â₠¬ ¢ Sales of T-shirts †¢ Food, drink, programme sales †¢ Adverts †¢ Raffle †¢ Lottery Expenditure includes: †¢ Venue hire †¢ Posters †¢ Entry forms †¢ printing †¢ Prizes and trophies †¢ cost of T-shirts †¢ Incentives for fundraising †¢ Advertising †¢ Staff costs †¢ Helpers’ costs (travel, food) †¢ hire of facilities e. g. toilet tents †¢ Public liability insurance. 6. Design and printing: Careful thought needs to go into the design and materials for the event. There will be a special logo or design that will be on all the materials.Materials likely to be used are: †¢ Posters †¢ Entry forms †¢ sponsor forms †¢ Programmes – think about the numbers required. †¢ Certificates for participants. Posters should be simple – what, where, when, how to get more information. Entry forms must have: name, address, age and sex. Put names of sponsors on appropriate materials. 7. Publicity: Without good publicity an event will fail. Use all available means of publicizing the event: †¢ Newspapers †¢ Radio †¢ Television †¢ Posters in shops/clubs/companies etc. Hand out or post entry forms and posters to: †¢ People at events †¢ Supporters of organization Schools †¢ Colleges †¢ Universities †¢ Hospitals †¢ Health centres. 8. Prizes/awards/incentives: What type of prize should be given to the winners? Different prizes for the winners who are the runner up. One has to decide about the prizes to be given while organising an event. Get prizes and incentives sponsored by local companies. Put the companies’ names on publicity materials. Prizes can be in the form of money or the trophies. 9. Helpers: Draw up a plan of the dance event. List all the jobs that need to be done and who will do them. Recruit helpers for the event by approaching: †¢ Youth groups Schools †¢ Universities †¢ Supporters à ¢â‚¬ ¢ Friends and family †¢ Parents or families of participants †¢ Local sports clubs. 10. Administration: Administration falls into three categories; before the event, on the day and after the event. Before the event: be clear and list who is responsible for distributing materials; allocate someone to collect entry forms; bank any money; send out information to participants. On the day decide: who will register participants; write out certificates; sign sponsor forms. After the event: work out results; send out letters of thanks; bank money; analyse the budget.Monitoring and evaluation needs to be carried out throughout the whole process. 11. Planning and ‘on the day’: Before the event make a list of all the jobs that have to be done and who are to do them and by what day/time. For the day itself a really detailed list is required and everyone must be briefed so they know exactly what their duties are. 13. After the event: Most important – send out le tters of thanks to all involved. Work out the results. Send results and details to local paper and sponsor. Bank the money. Look at the evaluation and learn from this event.

How does reflect through history, invention, society and the Arts? Essay

The unifying theme of this menses is colonialism and emerging trends. This was the time where Napoleon nap gained so frequently power and science throughout the world whereas he was fe atomic number 18d by men. In relation to invention, there were raw great inventors like Alesssandro Volta for the battery, Jacquard Loom for calculator/computer, and Oliver Evans for the refrigerator. During this era, artists like Ludwig van Beethoven, Theodore Gericault, Alans Wordsworth and Jane Austen became famous. Their full treatment argon still k instantlyn until today. A classical architectural style in any case existed in this goal.The Cathedral of Vilnius, conceptualized and put into existence by Laurynas Gucevicius, is an example. Neoclassical Architecture has some features that are the same with the Late Baroque architecture. However, its speech pattern is its planar qualities, rather than sculptural volumes. Projections and recessions and their effectuate of light and shade are pet sculptural bas-reliefs are flatter and guide to be enframed in friezes, tablets or panels. Its clearly articulated individual features are isolated rather than interpenetrating, autonomous and complete in themselves.International neoclassical architecture was exemplified in Karl Friedrich Schinkels buildings, especi aloney the Old Museum in Berlin, Sir John Soanes Bank of England in London and the newly built snow-clad House and Capitol in Washington, DC in the United States. The Scots architect Charles Cameron created palatial Italianate interiors for the German-born Catherine II the Great in St. Petersburg. 2. In the early 1800s, Australia was still a childlike colony. Who were the major Australian artistic figures of this period? (You might mention architects, writer, winderers or musicians and their works.) whiz of the major artistic figures in Australia during 1800s who gained apprehension in this era was Norman Lindsay. He was the principal cartoonist of the Bu lletin magazine. He was withal one of the people who advocated their right to paint the nude. He also wrote novels but his major work consisted of pen drawings, etchings, watercolours and oil paintings, all of which are well represented at Springwood (the Norman Lindsay Gallery & Museum). He also illustrated the cover for the seminal Henry Lawson book, season the Billy Boils.In the field of committal to writing or literature, Henry Lawson was one of the major writers and poets during this period. Many believe he was the world-class poet to capture the Australian way of life. His works are still known and an passion to Australians. In architecture, Francis Howard greenbelt was one of the major artistic figures. His work includes Hyde Park Barracks (1817-19), St Lukes, Liverpool (1817-24), St mobs, Sydney (1819-22), St Matthews, Windsor (1819-22) and former(a) extant buildings are now popularly appreciated as the foundations of Australian architecture.His picturesque mediaeval buildings, on the other hand, are mostly long destruct and his Turnpike Gate at Sydney with Gothic Lodge and Offices (1819-20), his designs for Sydneys Anglican and Catholic cathedrals (the former never built, the latter much modified before its erection), even his (extant) organisation House stables, have played forgetful part in the creation of the Greenway architectural persona.References http//www. abc. net. au/schoolstv/australians/lawson. htm http//normanlindsay. com. au/normanlindsay/aboutnormanlindsay. php http//daao. org. au/main/read/2926 http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Neoclassical_architectureCharacteristics

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Plato’s Republic Three Parts of the Soul Essay

In his book The Republic, Plato searches for solelyice indoors the mortal and what absorbs a soul bonnie. By comparing his sense of what is just at a political take aim and what is just at a psychological level he proposes three virtues of the individual which go away make that trigger officular somebody just. The virtues be of lore, bravery and moderation. A just piece of music wont differ at all from a just urban center in respect to the form of jurist rather hell be wish well the urban center (Republic 435b). Once Plato has found rightness within the city he seeks to bump off it back into the human sense.Plato talks about the ability of a person to be indecisive about actions such as drinking when something in their someone forbids them to do so even if they desire it. This irresoluteness rat be transformed into interior conflict between more than wholeness and only(a) better of the nous. One secern of the soul is the sharp part and the part that lust s, hungers, thirsts and gets disturbed is the appetitive part (439d). Plato then identifies a third part of the soul, the enliven part, which is apply to cr fertilizee emotions. Appetite is a actually big part of our souls.It contains devil requisite desires, which should be indulged (such as the desire to extinguish enough to stay alive) and unnecessary desires, which should be limited (such as the desire to eat your entire birthday cake). Though the impulse lusts after many things, Plato says its capital-loving, since money is required for satisfying most of these desires. It is therefore obvious to Plato that the rational part of the soul should rule, as the rulers in the city do, beca engage they both display the virtue of wisdom and can therefore exercise foresight on behalf of the entire soul. 441e) Similarly, just as the guardians avail the rulers in maintaining nicety within the city, the tonicityed part of the soul will use emotions in cabaret to maintain s ecernate and harmony within the soul which is judge. These two separate of the soul will be able to control its appetitive part, which may, finished its insatiable desire for money, attempt to vitiate its particular role and rule over the body and eventually the classes that it is not of course suited to rule over (442a).Consequently, umpire in the individual and justice in the city would be overturned spark advance to chaos and war. The rulers and guardians exist in order to control and direct the producers who are the absolute majority of the population, as the rational and spirited move of the soul rule the desires of the individual. Therefore a just person would be one with a spirited part of the soul that would persevere through pleasures and pains in order to carry out the rational parts intentions on what should be feared and what should not (442b).This ability is identifiable as the virtue of courage, which is evident in the guardians. Moreover, this course of paral lel virtues between the city and the soul continues as a persons reason is most able to make decisions about what is advantageous for distributively part and for the whole soul when he/she has the companionship associated with wisdom. As a result the desires should be kept in a commonwealth of moderation by the rational part of the soul so that the ruler and the rule both agree that the rational part should rule and not engage in civil war (442c).In conclusion, justice in the individual is similar to justice within the city where a person puts himself in order, is his own friend, and harmonizes the three separate of himself like three limiting notes in a musical scale (443d). In the city, justice is obtained by the three split of society each fulfilling their role as high hat they can, and displaying the same three virtues of wisdom, courage and moderation. This leads to a harmony between the parts, the best possible combination, which is described as justice by Plato both wit hin the city and within the soul.This should be obvious as after all, a city is make up of many individuals. The harmonious or rightly ordered soul, then, is one which practices the virtues of each part. The virtue of the appetites is moderation the virtue of the spirit is courage the virtue of the intellect is wisdom. by means of these virtues the human soul attains a certain concord or integrity, which Plato understood as the only real happiness applaudable of the name. The overall purpose of the Republic is for Plato to generalise what makes pot happy. He discovers this through the offshoot of dividing the soul up and seeing how they bring in together.Ultimately, if you live a just look you live a life of wisdom and your rational side comes first. If you live an partial life you live your life by honor, victory, or money. Most men and women life story unjust lives have a one-track mind. They block off their other priorities and doing whats right just so they get what t hey want. Just people always beat and unjust person and live a happier and fuller life. His time interval of the soul is very simplistic altogether. However, his individual ideas were very complex. Plato wanted us to to return for ourselves to discover how we decide to arrange our parts of the soul.