Thursday, December 26, 2019

Example of Speech Text

Example of speech text is characterized by the specific features of the vocabulary usage, structuring, and emphasizing the key points. As a rule, the speechwriter aims to address clearly a vitally important issue which is much-debated in the society. Subsequently, example of speech text should both articulate the position of the speaker and provide the audience with strong arguments supporting the presenters viewpoint. Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a pleasure for me to be here tonight and address such a great audience. The issue I would like to bring up threatens the prosperity and welfare of the whole nation, however, the majority of the population tends to ignore it and pretend as if it is not a problem at all. Namely, I would like to talk about the risks of obesity. First of all, it would be reasonable to present the statistics that some of you might find shocking. To be more precise, in accordance with the data provided by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the number of people suffering from obesity has already reached the point of 35% of the whole US population. Just imagine, one-third of Americans is particularly limited in their opportunities to have a happy, comprehensive, and productive life. Let me remind you, that the right to health was considered by the United Nations to be an integral element of the human rights and the individual dignity. I believe, that it is a high time to ask ourselves whether the lifestyle patterns cultivated in the US are actually contributing to the concept of human dignity or not. Unfortunately, the honest answer would rather disappoint us. Obviously, the complaints and disappointment may hardly improve the recent state of affairs. Subsequently, I believe, that the awareness and personal determination to change the trend are the first steps towards the overall success. Some of you would definitely argue that it is an entirely personal responsibility or, at most, the responsibility of the Department of Health. Let me disagree and explain the essence the obesity spread. In particular, reducing the time and money being spent on meal has become a generally accepted trend which, however, may hardly bring the benefits to anyone except the fast-food companies bosses. Therefore, we should agree that the recent economic model, which has made healthy eating a privilege of a few, is exceptionally harmful. So, what can be done to change the pattern? First of all, there are two aspects of the campaign against the obesity spread. Namely, the first one implies the efforts of the official institutions and includes informational campaigns conduction as well as providing the obese people with a proper treatment. However, I would like to emphasize the importance of the other aspect which, I believe, implies a key meaning in terms of changing the negative statistics. Namely, I would like to talk about the determination and responsibility of each of us who are neither the medical officials nor the obesity victims. In particular, each of us has a friend or colleague who is suffering from obesity. There are also people, like our children, to whom our behavior may serve as a model to follow. We are responsible for those people and should put our best efforts to raise their awareness and convince them that it is better to lose some extra half-an-hour but keep our health and welfare safe. Ladies and Gentlemen, let me once again thank you for your patience. Being aware and responsible, we are capable of overcoming the threats of obesity spread. Thank you!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Rivalry Of The Global E Commerce Market - 1371 Words

Rivalry in the Industry: (Medium to High) E-Bay is one of the dominant players in the global e-commerce market; but because of low entry barriers E-Bay is currently facing competition in its different market segments. Therefore, this market is full of competitors such as Amazon, Craigslist, Yahoo! Auctions, and other new players such as Alibaba, and The battle between e-commerce players engage in price- based competition to persuade buyers, therefore these players limit their ability to raise prices. Also, due to relatively low barriers to entry, new companies continue to crop up in the global e-commerce market, which intensify the competition. However, one of the biggest competitor of eBay is the drop off industry,†¦show more content†¦There are also low exit barriers in this industry. EBay needs to keep up with consumer needs and wants along with keeping an eye on its competitors in order to be successful. Threat of New Entrants: (Medium) This is an Internet driven service industry, where there is a low barriers to entry. Hence, it is relatively easy for newer player to enter the market and start selling products, but it is difficult for newer players to gain brand recognition and attain high ranking on the most popular search engines. The online payment mechanism has relatively higher barriers for new entrants since security is a vital for online payment, making it difficult for new players to attract new customers. PayPal has benefit eBay significantly, since it has positioned them as a strong contender in the market. However, Amazon, Apple and Alibaba could potentially challenge PayPal’s strong market position, because these three competitors are strong enough and have enough resources to compete on a large scale, consequently restricting newer players to an extent. The main barriers in this field come from government regulation. The government does not allow some products to be sold in certain states or countries and so any online auction site needs to make sure they do not violate certain laws. EBay has developed different policies that prevent someone from buying an item that would violate their local government. Even though eBay acts the middleman

Monday, December 9, 2019

Using Social Networks Businesses Australia â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Using Social Networks In Businesses In Australia? Answer: Introduction The business research topic is to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using social networks in businesses in Australia. With the advancement of technology and communication nowadays, the social networks have been considered by many business organisations within the retail industry as good marketing tools for sending messages and information to the targeted audiences. The social media has several advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to utilise it in a proper way for gaining the good results; otherwise, it can even result in severe risks and lead to bad reputation and brand image of retail companies in Australia (Aljabre, 2012). Project objective To identify the impact of social networks on business within the retail industry of Australia To evaluate the advantage and disadvantages of using social networks To assess the impact of social networks on the enhancement of brand reputation and image To recommend necessary measures for enhancing the efficiency of social networks in businesses Project scope The scope of the project is huge because social networks are effective tools for enhancing brand name and image and attracts more customers, thereby influence their buying behaviour too. This would also allow the companies to generate huge amounts of revenue in business. The various aspects of social networks are quite effective, and it can create better scopes for conducting the business research in the future (Baltar Brunet, 2012). Few effective social media platforms are Facebook and Twitter that are used by retail companies in Australia for marketing activities and even create a fan page where the customers can follow the company and know about the products and services offered. The literature review will illustrate the various benefits and drawbacks of using social networks in business by collecting data and information from secondary sources like journals, articles, documents and web sites (Batjargal et al., 2013). Advantages of using social networks for businesses The customers would also be able to gain solutions to their queries and even be indulged in telephonic or email conversations with the company officials regarding any questions related to the products and services offered by the companies. YouTube is also an effective social network platform, which acts as a repository for managing podcasts and videos and this can allow the company to promote its brand products and services, which can get millions of viewership all over the world (Batjargal et al., 2013). This would not only enhance the brand identity of the company but also could enable the users to share the links of the retail company with other friends and followers. With the help of social networks, the company could also display advertising options for sharing and exchange of information with others as well as create a positive mindset among the customers regarding the brand value (Bruhn, Schoenmueller Schfer, 2012). The major advantages of social media marketing are related to costs, because of the social networking web sites are free to access, develop a new profile and post information. To reach the targeted market, it is important to use the social networks as it will incur less investment of money and the users or audiences can also join or follow the company. There is also pay per click advertisements that can make the company earn money as soon as users click on the advertisements. The pay per click advertisements are geo targeted, which allows for reaching the audiences properly and this can be beneficial for the retail companies in Australia to create a good brand image in less time (Bryman Bell, 2015). The cost of marketing is reduced, which can allow for using the additional finance for other purposes like improving customers' services and more traffic to the web site managed by the organisation. With the betterment of customers' services, the sales would increase along with increased traffic to the web site. The customers services efficiency would create better engagement of customers and even allow the customers to provide their responses and feedbacks regarding any products and services delivered by the retail companies (Eriksson Kovalainen, 2015). The social networking also helps in conducting market research about the customers and creates improved opportunities for networking with the businesses and customers with ease and efficiency. The users of brands who are loyal can be channeled into peer-to-peer marketing through the use of social networks, and this can help in influencing the buying behaviours of consumers and make them try out the new products and services with ease and efficiency. The proper utilisation of social networks can also prevent advertising and promotional activities that are not preferred by the local customers as well as create good relationships with them (Gronum, Verreynne Kastelle, 2012). Disadvantages of using social networks for businesses There are few disadvantages of using social networks for businesses such as lack of clear marketing or social media strategy, which can often deteriorate the financial condition and reduce benefits gained by the retail companies in Australia. There would be need of additional resources for managing a good online presence. To keep the market presence stable, it is important to manage daily monitoring, which is a daunting task as well. In case a proper social media presence is not created, then there can be loosing of customers and furthermore lead to and reputation of the company (Laroche, Habibi Richard, 2013). There are chances of unwanted behaviours on the web site like bullying and bad comments posted by individuals could create a negative mindset among other customers. Greater exposure online can also attract more risks such as leakage of data and information and even hacking. One of the major drawbacks of using social networks is that upgrading social media accounts take a lot of time and effort. Thus, it is essential to appoint a senior most person, who has knowledge and skills of handling the products and services of the company and how to create a social media presence. Another disadvantage is that the information and data are visible for a shorter time until newer posts replace the existing ones (Leonardi, Huysman Steinfield, 2013). Other than that, publishing the advertising copy is often not appropriate in the social media environment, which can further result in losing many followers. It is often seen that customers post negative comments, which are needed to be checked by monitoring the social networking accounts, otherwise the negative posts can go viral and harm the businesses within the retail industry of Australia. There could also be the presence of viruses, malware, lack of control over the corporate content, unrealistic expectations from c ustomers and non-compliance with the regulations of management (Okazaki Taylor, 2013). These are the potential risks that can create difficulties while using social networking as an effective marketing tool in businesses of Australia. Social networking is time intensive and so an individual needs to monitor each network, responds to queries, answer questions and post product related information in a consistent manner. The social network users often feel reluctant to share their information and place social networks low regarding security confidence. The marketing efforts can also be met with offensive reactions by customers, which can deteriorate the status of the company (Picazo-Vela et al., 2012). The customers who are unhappy with the services of companies can post offensive pictures, comments and feedbacks and there are no such marketers who can prevent these occurrences. The social networks are free to join, but if the businesses do not introduce paid advertisements, then the companies may end up with followers who are not even local. Another major disadvantage of using social networks is that though it can attract loyal customers, still more efforts are required for attaining new business (Sashi, 2012). Literature gaps Though all the major aspects of this business research are evaluated here, still there have been few limitations found. One of the major limitations is that though the advantages and disadvantages of using social networks in businesses have been illustrated, still there is need of searching for some more secondary sources to collect relevant data and information in a detailed manner (Sekaran Bougie, 2016). Few of the web sites, journals and articles were not genuine, so to conduct the research in a much better way, it would be essential for determining the authenticity of the web sites and journals and collect data and information properly. Conclusion The topic focused on the business research relating to the advantages and disadvantages of using social networks in business. The research was conducted by presenting the research scope and objectives at first and then presenting a literature review to focus on the benefits drawn from using social networks in business. Few of the disadvantages such as lack of control, monitoring of social media accounts and negative brand image, which may result due to negative comments posted by users had been included in this research too. The literature gaps also focused on the limitations, which had been experienced in the research, and these further helped in deriving a proper conclusion in the end. References Aljabre, A. (2012). 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The role of networks in small and medium?sized enterprise innovation and firm performance.Journal of Small Business Management,50(2), 257-282. Laroche, M., Habibi, M. R., Richard, M. O. (2013). To be or not to be in social media: How brand loyalty is affected by social media?.International Journal of Information Management,33(1), 76-82. Leonardi, P. M., Huysman, M., Steinfield, C. (2013). Enterprise social media: Definition, history, and prospects for the study of social technologies in organizations.Journal of Computer?Mediated Communication,19(1), 1-19. Okazaki, S., Taylor, C. R. (2013). Social media and international advertising: theoretical challenges and future directions.International marketing review,30(1), 56-71. Picazo-Vela, S., Gutirrez-Martnez, I., Luna-Reyes, L. F. (2012). Understanding risks, benefits, and strategic alternatives of social media applications in the public sector.Government information quarterly,29(4), 504-511. Sashi, C. M. (2012). Customer engagement, buyer-seller relationships, and social media.Management decision,50(2), 253-272. Sekaran, U., Bougie, R. (2016).Research methods for business: A skill building approach. John Wiley Sons.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Katz V. The United States Essays - Privacy Of Telecommunications

Katz V. The United States The petitioner Mr. Katz was arrested for illegal gambling, he had been gambling over a public phone. The FBI attached an electronic recorder onto the outside of the public phone booth. The state courts claimed this to be legal because the recording device was on the outside of the phone and the FBI never entered the booth. The Supreme Court Ruled in the favor of Katz. They stated that the Fourth Amendment allowed for the protection of a person and not just a person's property against illegal searches. The Fourth Amendment written in 1791 states, The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized (Galloway 214). The court was unsure on weather or not they should consider a public telephone booth as an area protected by the fourth amendment. The court did state that: The Fourth Amendment protects people, not places. What a person knowingly exposes to the public, even in his own home or office, is not a subject of Fourth Amendment protection. But what he seeks to preserve as private, even in an area accessible to the public, may be constitutionally protected...Searches conducted without warrants have been held unlawful notwithstanding facts unquestionably showing probable cause, for the Constitution requires that the deliberate impartial judgment of a judicial officer be interposed between the citizen and the police (Maddex 201). The FBI agents found out the days and times he would use the pay phone. The FBI attached a tape recorder to the outside of the telephone booth. The FBI recorded him using the phone six different times, all six conversations were around three minutes long. They made sure that they only recorded him and not anyone else's conversations. Katz lost the case all the way up to the Supreme Court because the state courts and the Court of Appeals said there was no amendment violation since there was ?no physical entrance into the area occupied by the petitioner (Hall 482).? The Constitutional Fourth Amendment was looked at and analyzed very carefully and the Surpreme Court decided in favor of Katz with a seven to one vote. Strong arguments were brought to the stand, the Governments eavesdropping violated the privacy of Katz. ?The Fourth Amendment governs not only the seizure of tangible items but extends as well the recording of oral statements (Katzen 1).? The surveillance in this case could have been legal by the constitution, but it was not part of the warrant issued. Warrants are very valuable to make everything stated in the fourth amendment legal. The telephone booth was made of glass so he was visible to the public, but he did not enter the booth so no one could see him, he entered the booth so no one could hear him. A person in a telephone booth is under protection of the Fourth Amendment, One who occupies it, shuts the door behind him, and pays the toll that permits him to place a call is surly entitled to assume that the words he utters into the mouthpiece will not be broadcasted to the world. To read the constitution more narrowly is to ignore the vital role that the public telephone has to come to play in private communication (Katzen 2). But with all this evidence it was still fought that the surveillance method they used involved no physical penetration into the telephone booth. The Fourth Amendment was thought to limit only searches and seizures of tangible property. The decision of the court was seven to one and Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the decision of the case. Mr. Justice Stewart concurred in his speech that, ...these considerations do not vanish when the search in question is transferred from the setting of a home, an office, or a hotel room to that of a telephone booth. Wherever a man may be, he is entitled to know that he will remain free from unreasonable searches and seizures (Katzen 4). Mr. Justice Stewart's feelings on the case were that the use of electronic surveillance should be regulated. He thinks permission should be granted for the use of electronic surveillance. Mr. Justice Douglas, with whom Mr. Justice Brennan joined, concurred that ?The Fourth Amendment draws no lines between various substantive offenses. The arrests in cases of