Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Earth and space sciences Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Earth and space sciences - Term Paper Example Though volcanoes are now known to be works of the Earth and its movements, and not of long-ago worshipped deities, their awesome power of destruction and even fiery beauty is still regarded with reverence by some, as much today as it was thousands of years ago. What is different, however, is that scientists now have the means and research to predict whether or not eruptions may occur. In the documentary Deadliest Volcanoes, several new research methods are explored, from the simplicity of a new generation of Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) and their accompanying earth-bound sensors, to the testing of gases and water, to the harnessing of cosmic rays and drilling that goes deep below the surfaces of the planet. Alongside learning about these methods, viewers are invited on a fascinating trip to inspect some of the best and lesser-known volcanoes of the Earth. In Iceland, new generations of sensors are being explored by scientist Sigrun Hreinsdottir on the volcano Eyjafjallajokull. Though volcanoes throughout the world are routinely tracked by means of GPS as well as seismometers, the aim of the new sensors is to track the flow of magma deep underground via movements of the surface of the Earth. The theory that was tested was that magma, in flowing into a volcano, will force the surface above it to move outward, thus allowing for predictions as to the size and the force of the eruption. The new GPS sensors that have been installed to help with these predictions are so sensitive that they can measure the movement of the earth to an eighth of an inch, according to Deadliest Volcanoes. This theory was put into action when, in March 2010, though the sensors moved only centimeters a day, all sensors began to move outward from the known central crater in the volcano Eyjafjallajokull. By March 4, all sensors were showing uniform outward-motion movements, and on March 20, 2010, the volcano erupted. Contrary to movie-going belief, however, the eruption was not over qu ickly. The previous time that Eyjafjallajokull had erupted, prior to 2010, it lasted from 1821 to 1823, a full two years (Hendry). The main difference is that for this eruption, with the work of Ms. Hreinsdottir, it was able to be predicted, and a scientific theory was proved in regards to volcanoes along with the behavior of the underground magma within them, without any loss of life. Another new method of predicting eruptions involves harnessing the result of cosmic rays, or muons. In employing this method, detectors are used that will collect muons entering the atmosphere of the Earth and passing through the solid-rock formations of the volcanoes. Developed by Hiroyuki Tanaka of the University of Tokyo, the basics of his theory state that in using the muons, the density of the volcano, as well as subterranean imaging of what lies underneath the part above the surface, can provide a viable means of mapping and measuring what lies underneath, unseen to the naked eye. This method wa s hoped to be especially useful when dealing with soft-crust or thin-crust areas of a volcano that cannot be reached easily by other means such as climbing or rappelling, or when conditions made it

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Analysis of Information Technology in Public Sector

Analysis of Information Technology in Public Sector Chapter 1 Introduction Countries and governments in the world try to develop and extend their business and economies throughout built relation and agreements among them for the exchange and transaction for different kind of trades through out what call e-government to facilitate communicating and transmitting the information between these countries, and to achieve these, they need to adopt the information technology as infrastructure for e-government purposes (Traunmiiller and Klaus Lenk, 2002). So, information technology IT, digital and networking considered a crucial requirements for the companies to extend their operation scope in the global. So organizational spending on information technology (IT) and utilize the technology to support different strategic and operational objectives to give the strength for the competitive strategy (support the different aspects of business), (Venkatesh Morris Davis Davis, 2003). Therefore, Information technology can be defined in various ways Like information technology includes hardware, software and telecommunication equipment which is used to capture, process, and store and distribute information ( Global text -information system-Richard T. Watson -2007Â ¬chapter 1). Also information technology refers to office, computing machines, communications equipment, instruments, photocopiers and related equipment, and software and related services (Brynjolfsson, 1991). Even Information Technology (IT) refers to Any equipment, or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment which is used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission. (DODD 4630.5, January 11, 2002). when the companies attempt to adopt the technology they face problems about the acceptance of the employees for the technology , some companies still cant predict the success from implementing new technology among the employees, some fail in adopting particular technology and some face resistance for accepting or adopting the technology, another companies didnt get the benefits that they expect from accepting or adopting the technology ,therefore, the companies turn to study the technology users conceptual about technology and the factors that could affect the acceptance for the technology (Alsohybe, 2007). Since information technology is supporting our economy throughout the reductions in the cost of obtaining, processing, and transmitting information are changing the way we do business so no company can escape its effects. General Managers know the importance of information technology and how it effect in the work. As more and more they spend their investment capital and their time in information technology and its effects, an executive have a growing awareness that the technology can no longer be the exclusive area of IT departments or IS departments, Executives recognize the need to become directly involved in the management of the new technology since they see their competitors use information for competitive advantage, These In the face of rapid change, however, they dont know how (S Rivard, L Raymond, D Verreault, 2006). In order to help managers respond to the challenges of the information developing and how will advances in information technology affect competition and the sources of competitive advantage and what are the opportunities for investing in information technology. For that managers must first understand the information technology (Yen Subramanian chino, 1997). So this study is going to examine the factors that influence information technology acceptance in the public sector in the republic of YEMEN to enhance the accepting, adopting and the usage of information technology among the workers in the public sector. Beside facilitate the information transaction between the managements and between the government utilities with spotlight in the role of information technology strategies in these utilities to support the accepting, adoption for the technology. Even this study is going to examine the support of the government to adopt the information technology as government infrastructure toward E-government. Republic of Yemens Background The Republic of Yemen is an Arab country located in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. It is bounded on the north by Saudi Arabia and by the Arab Sea. Oman lies in the west of the Republic of Yemen and the Red Sea lies in the west of the Republic of Yemen. The total area of the Republic of Yemen is about 555,000 square Kilometer, and the population of the Republic of Yemen is 18 million. The official language of the country is Arabic and Islam is the official religion of the country. The ethnic groups in the Republic of Yemen are predominantly Arab, but also Afro-Arab, South Asians, Europeans. The Yemeni Rial (YR) is the official currency unit, but visitors can exchange most of the international currencies in exchange establishments or banks all over towns. Currently, the Republic of Yemen is enjoying a stable political, economic, and social system based on respect and openness with the rest of the world. This stability provides an opportunity for the country to improve its economy and service provision to its citizen and move along with the rest of the world. The Republic of Yemen has three national independence days: September 26, 1962 when the king of North the Republic of Yemen, at that time, was overthrown and making the country a republic instead of a kingdom, November 30, 1967 when South the Republic of Yemen, at that time, had become independent from United Kingdom. The Unification Day on May 22, 1990, when the Republic of Yemen was established by the merger of South the Republic of Yemen and North the Republic of Yemen. The legal system of the Republic of Yemen is based on Islamic law, Turkish law, English common law, and local tribal customary law. The Republic of Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the Arab World. It has reported strong growth since 2000, and its economic fortunes depend mostly on oil. (CIA The World Fact book Yemen profile about Yemen, 2005: Countries, L. D, 2009) Since the unification of the Republic of Yemen in 1990, the president was determined to establish a new way of governance. The government represented by the president initiated a plan to develop the new country infrastructure and build a democratic administrative system, which is responsible for the provision of public services to all Yemenis whether in the country or abroad. Since 1990, the Republic of Yemen has been trying to pursue a clear social strategy for developing new sources of income for its people, find new ways of investment in the country, reform the government, and establish new private sector participation to enhance the economical growth of the country (Ministry of Development, Republic of Yemen, 2000). The main objective of the government now and then was to improve the efficiency of the governmental administrative capabilities for better and improved services. The Republic of Yemen long-terms strategy aimed to develop a reliable and efficient administration and government by improving and reforming its ministries and institutions to deliver better public services for all its citizens and gain recognition around the world. However, not all the goals were aimed at improving the governmental functions were achieved. There are still problems facing the government plan to reform like, inflated bureaucracy, lack of collaboration between ministries and agencies, illiteracy, and a lack of direct vision of the future of the country. In its attempt to overcome these problems, the government of the Republic of Yemen has launched a reform project using information technology to implement e-government in the next couple of Years. The implementation of information technology will lead into collaboration between governmental agencies and lead to integrated databases that can be accessed by any agency any time thus delivering rapid and efficient service to the public. Communication and Information Technology in the Republic of Yemen Comparing to other countries around the world, The Republic of Yemen is still lagging in term of using information technology. Tables 1 and 2 compare the Republic of Yemen to other countries around the world and show that the Republic of Yemen is still one of the lowest countries in term of using computers and Internet, telephone usage, and e government readiness. This study was prepared by the National Information Center of the Republic of Yemen, which was submitted to the Republic of Yemens Presidential Office and to the Shura Council on June 2005 as part of a workshop title E-government between reality and expected goals in the Republic of Yemen (Alsohybe, 2007). Table l : Computers for Every 100 People and Internet Usage per 100 People for the World and for Some Countries Including the Republic of Yemen Country/Group PC Percentage (%) per 100 people Internet usage per 100 people The World 7.74 15.47 Arab World 2.04 5.57 U.S.A 65.89 55.14 Canada 48.7 51.28 Malaysia 14.68 31.97 Egypt 1.66 2.82 Yemen 0.79 0.51 Note: E-Government between Reality and Expected Goals in the Republic of Yemen, by (Yemen, National Information Center, 2005. Sanaa, Yemen, p.10). Table 2: E-government Readiness for Some Countries Including the Republic of Yemen Country Web Measurement Communications Human Resources General Indicator international U.S.A 1.00 .0770 .0970 .0913 1 Canada 0.873 0.668 0.970 0.837 7 Malaysia 0.490 0.302 0.830 0.541 42 Egypt 0.100 0_066 0.630 0.265 136 Yemen 0.054 0.040 0.490 0.195 154 Note: E-Government between Reality and Expected Goals in the Republic of Yemen, by (Yemen National Information Center, 2005, Sanaa, Yemen, p. Background of the Problem In the increasingly global today, information technology (IT) spread unpredictably that because IT considers substantial investment for organizations in all different aspects. Technology used to support the strategy and operational goals Countries and governments all over the world try to develop and extend their business and economies throughout built relation and agreements among them for the exchange and transaction for different trade aspects through out what call e=government to facilitate communicating and transmitting the information between these countries, and to achieve these, there is need to adopt the information technology as infrastructure for E-government purposes. (Traunmuller and Klaus Lenk, 2002) But unfortunately acquiring appropriate IT is not a sufficient condition for utilizing it effectively. Information technology importance for adopt E-government and in order to avoid the failure in adopting E-government. Also because the change in the environment and technology the companies trying to keep going with these changes. The companies spend a lot in investing in the technology in order to empower its internal, external performance and the productivity (Alsohybe, 2007). Some employees in the organizations not used the IT effectively or are not used, despite the extending in the investment in IT. This led the organization to inappropriate investment and west the opportunities even remain the company undeveloped. So the workers in IS and the management under pressure to locate the financial and organizational benefits from the IT investment. In order to help managers and IS practitioners to determine the factors or the motivators for IT usage and the acceptance of individuals for IT usage in order to reduce the cost and attain the maximum return of the investment in IT from the beginning (Lopez Manson, 1997; Dadayan Ferro, 2005). Problem statement The problem statements is that it is expected that all companies adopting, using effectively and having information technology, however, in the reality, not all the companies adopt, use effectively or use the information technology. However, in the reality, not all employees in those organizations accept, adopt, use effectively or use the information technology. That means there is a gap between the ideal or the maximum usage for the information technology among the Yemeni government employees and the reality or the actual usage for the information technology inside those organizations. This leads to investigate or examine the determinants and characteristics such as (individual characteristics, system characteristics, social characteristics, institutional characteristics) which are of effecting in using or adopting such technology. Many researchers in information technology IT and information system IS support the necessity for study the factors affecting the IT acceptance and its relation with the employees performance: The study was conducted by (Venkatesh Morris Davis Davis, 2003) to compare eight models and validate the new theory named the unified model The study recommended that: Future research should identify the underlying influential mechanisms potential candidates here include computer literacy and social or cultural background, among others. Even The role of social influence and its change over time and may help explain some of the equivocal results helping to clarify the contingent nature of social influences. Current theoretical perspectives on individual acceptance are notably weak in providing prescriptive guidance to designers. For example applying any of the models might inform a designer that some set of individuals might find a new system difficult to use. Even the study recommended future study include system characteristics and self-efficacy And task technology fit. The study said that further work should attempt to identify and test additional boundary conditions of the model UTAUT in an attempt to provide an even richer understanding of technology adoption and usage behavior. Even different user groups, individuals in different functional areas and other organizational contexts (public or government institutions) Another study was conducted in SAUDIA ARABI (AL Gahtani, 2004) to examine the technology acceptance theory in their culture recommended more studies in the technology acceptance with focusing in the social and culture factors and using different methodologies. Also the study which conducted by (Gorke, 2006) mention about the important of farther research for determining the factors influence the decision of using particular system and the acceptance for any new system. Even the study (Yalcinkaya B.A M.S, 2007) which conducted in TURKISH in police office recommended for more studies considering other possible psychosocial or contextual variables that may affect behavioral intention of information technology usage. Beside The study (Almutairi, 2007) which conducted in Kuwaiti ministries to examine the technology acceptance theory in their culture found that there is needed to test the TAM in other culture to insure is it globalization of the model and the possibility to use in different cultures. More over The study was conducted in china (Kim lee law, 2007) This study makes an attempt to investigate the relationship between antecedents including information system quality, perceived value, and users acceptance of hotel front office systems (HFOSs) and the Results show information system quality affects users beliefs in HFOSs, it is important to realize that other factors may also play an important role in user beliefs. These factors include computer use experience and the study suggested Different studies can be performed on IT, targeting other technology systems .it is important to find factors other than perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and perceived value that can affect the attitude towards technology acceptance. A few areas can be further examined in future studies in hotels as well as in other organizations. Even the study was conducted by (Smith, 2008) recommended more study for the technology acceptance within the private and the public sectors. According to (Agarwal, 2000) the importance of individual differences as a significant theoretical construct in technology acceptance is indisputable. Also, he recommends for farther studies in the training as individual difference variables. Even, the study supports that technology acceptance can be facilitated by utilizing other interventions that directly affect beliefs such as training and developing a learning culture. Also, in YEMEN the usage of the information is 10% from the system capability and that was not expected. So, there is need for investigate the reasons which inhibited the organization from getting the ideal usage from the system (wards from the minister of information technology and the vice general manager of the PTC public telecommunication corporation in Yemen KAKAL AL JABRI KAMAL HASAN, 2007). Therefore, there is a concurrent need to develop and gain empirical support for models of technology acceptance within the public sector, and to examine technology acceptance and utilization issues among public employees to improve the success of IS implementation in this arena and to explore the government role to support the adoption for information technology within the public utilities employees even as strategy or as logistic support. Even examine the role of the information technology strategy in controlling the factors influence the acceptance for technology to develop and improve the employees performance. This paper presents more comprehensive, by using model of technology acceptance and suggest testing it in public sector (Alsohybe, 2007). Research Objectives 1. To examine the status of technology acceptance and utilization issues among public employees to improve the success of IS acceptance and implementation in the following theory: To examine individual differences which are effecting on the acceptance for any new technology among the employees in the public sector. To examine which of system feature that influences in acceptance the technology To examine the social factors that influences the acceptance for any new technology among the employees in the public sector. To examine institutional factors which are influencing the acceptance for any new technology among the employees in the public sector. 2 To evaluate the role of strategy in affecting on the factors that influence the acceptance for any new technology. Research questions To examine the status of technology acceptance and utilization issues among public employees to improve the success of IS acceptance and implementation in the following theory: Is there effect for individual differences on the acceptance for any new technology among the employees in the public sector? Are there effects for the system feature on the acceptance for any new technology? What are the influences of the social factors on the acceptance for any new technology among the employees in the public sector? Is there effect for the institutional factors on the acceptance for any new technology among the employees in the public sector? What is the role of strategy in affecting the factors that influence the acceptance for any new technology? Purpose of the study The study plans to examine the status of technology acceptance and utilization issues among managers and employees in the public sector as individuals to~ improve the success of IS acceptance and implementation in this area. This study aims to explore the government role to support the adoption for information technology within the employees in the public sector. Even, the study will evaluate the strategy role in controlling the variables that influences the acceptance for the information technology, and explore the information technology company characteristics that have been used in public companies in Yemen. The government of the Republic of Yemen has an opportunity to improve the progresses and prepares its people to meet the challenges of accepting and implementing information technology in the work place to provide information and services for its citizens from any place at any time. By using IT, government of the Republic of Yemen will be able to overcome the communication problem, improve government efficiency, develop alternative sources of income, and improve the livelihood of all its citizens. The Yemeni government is committed to improve the way it is conducting its day-to-day work by adopting an information technology. Scope of study The study will conduct in the public sector in the republic of Yemen. The study target will be the managers and employees as individuals in the ministries and some utilities belong to the government. This will be achieved by survey Significance of the Study According to the study (Smith, 2008) which aimed to delineate IT differences between the public and private sectors. The study argued that private sector using the information technology more than the public sector that due to many reasons individual differences is one of these reasons, so this study was encouraged to study the acceptance and implementation of the information technology among the individuals in the public sector. Even, this study is trying to add the culture as independent variable for the technology acceptance model TAM, TAM2 and TAM3 as empirical study and contribution, this research will examine the acceptance and implementation of technologies in a very conservative and traditional society like The Republic of Yemen society where culture and religion dominate the way people live and perceive changes around them and can affect their acceptance or resentment of such innovation. Also, the study combined TAM, TAM2 by setting the attitude as mediated in the relation between the believes perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and the intention to use which was deleted in the technology acceptance model TAM2 and TAM3. Also, many studies were conducted to examine three variables affecting the technology acceptance such as individual differences, system feature and social influence and some studies examine individual differences, system feature and institutional factors, however, this study aims to examine the four factors because of the effect of each variable in the acceptance of the technology and its effect on the other variables. Also, this study uses mixed theories to give more explanatory power for the technology acceptance. Also, this study aims to predicting the behavior of the managers and employees for accept the information technology is critical issue for the companies because the important of the information technology in the government utilities in order to enhance its internal and external performance in facilitating the work flaw and smooth transferring of the information among the individuals in the different department in one unit even between the units in the public sector. Chapter 2 Summary for chapter 1 From-the -previous chapter which presents the problem statement, accept, adopting, using effectively and using information technology, however, in the reality, not all employees in those organizations accept, adopting, using, effectively and using the information technology, his means there is a gap between the ideal usage for the information technology among the employees of the Yemeni government and the reality of the usage for the technology inside those organizations. This leads to investigate and examine the determinants and characteristics (individual differences, system characteristic, social characteristics, institutional characteristic) which are effecting in accepting, adopting for such technology. 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1- The importance of Information Technology Rapidly advanced scientific and technological innovations, economic turbulence and uncertainty are some factors that underlie the importance of information technology investment. IT enables organizations to have the capabilities to do some adaptations proactively, so IT becomes an integral part, even a pivotal part of business activities and processes undertaken by any organization (Chau Hu, 2002), from that, question appears about the necessity to invest in IT in order to the organizations can get the benefits from adopting the information technology and to insure the success in the adoption, Agarwal and Karahanna (2000) see the success in this investment will be a valuable when IT utilized by the intended user in the way that contributes to the strategy and the operational goals of the organization, so the user acceptance of IT is the fundamental for the success of IT investment. The importance of technology comes from that Technology has an important impact on innovation and the development of societies and economies. This impact can be observed in three steps, the first step is substitution, new technology substitutes for the old. For example, consumers start substituting their fixed telephone lines with mobile telephones. The second step is the diffusion, when adopting the new technology is widely across society because it is law cost or better or more effective than the previous technology. The final step is transformation when the new technology ways start working and emerging because the new technology is diffused so widely in society. For example, the widespread adoption of the networking has led to interesting innovations in the communication patterns of individuals such as executives conducting business while waiting in airport lounges or traveling in trains DUTTA MIA, 2006)World Economic Forum. ICT offers more opportunities for economic development and plays very important role in international competitiveness, rapid economic change, and productive capacity of improvements for developing countries. ICTs offer the developing countries many opportunities, as it has done in the developed world, when it created unprecedented possibilities for them. Studies have emphasized that there is evidence of a strong linkage between GDP growth and ICT investment showing the importance of ICT investment for development. Acquiring IT to support business needs is clearly a crucial prerequisite to exploiting the potential of IT. Unfortunately acquiring appropriate IT is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for utilizing it effectively. Organizations (i.e., leaders and managers) make primary adoption decisions, yet it is individuals within the firm who are the ultimate users and consumers of IT. Thus, it is evident that true business value from any information technology would derive only through appropriate use by its target user group. In other words, systems that are not utilized will not deliver the returns anticipated by managers. Evidence suggests that individual users can exhibit a variety of different behaviors when confronted with a new information technology: They may completely reject it and engage in sabotage or active resistance they may only partially utilize its functionality, or they may wholeheartedly embrace the technology and the opportunities it offers. Obviously, each behavior has some consequential outcomes both negative and positive for managers (Agarwal, 2000). Also, Organizations have increased their investment in information technology IT for planning in order to increase the efficiency of their business processes. Support management decision making and improve productivity. So IT become important tool to attaining competitive advantage for the organization and improves employees productivity and efficiency (Kim Lee Law, 2007), besides, -Many researches investigate the relation between IT investment and increase the productivity and the performance in the companies one of studies (sircar et al, 2000) which found several organization success with the spending on the IT but others were failed. (Agarwal karahanna, 2000) argue in this result that IT investment will be successful when IT utilized by the organization intended user in the way contribute to the strategy and the goals of the firms. Thus user acceptance is the key for the successes of the IT investment (Darsono, 2005), Even, for more than two decades information technology has be en the focus for researcher in information system this is because IT considers as the key to lead the organization for the good performance so many researches focus in the initial usage for IT or continuous usage for IT. 2.2- The advantages and disadvantages from adopting informationtechnology 2.2.1 The advantages Information technology uses to support the competitive strategy in helping the companies to reduce the costs of the company to give special offer for its products and services and give better care about customers and suppliers and to develop unions among the company and the company with the environment around the company and increase the virtue of its investment in IT resources. By using the information technology the organization or the companies will be able to develop the value of its business throughout making the customer value the focus of its strategy which is to keep track of its customers preferences to supply its products and services anytime anywhere by using the internet or intranet and extranet(e-commerce websites). A lot of organizations/companies use information technology and internet to reengineering its business process because information technology can make integration for the organization to work for the same goal of the organization and this improves the design of the work flows or the requirements of the job even the organization structures even improve the efficiency and the effectiveness. Information technology provides the communicatio

Friday, October 25, 2019

Baseball Positions :: Sports, Pitcher, Catcher

In the game of Baseball there are nine fielding positions. Each position is associated with a scorekeepers’ numerical number (from 1-9) to be used in scoring putouts. Each player has a special job associated with that position to help the team win. The game’s most important positions are the pitcher and the catcher. They are what the team revolves around and are called the â€Å"battery.† The pitcher’s position is known numerically as number (1) and the catcher’s is number (2). They control the tempo and intensity of the game. The pitcher’s job is to deliver the ball to home plate, keep the ball in the strike zone, and retire the batter by strike out, force out or fly ball. He must also field his position by catching pop flies, charging bunts, and back up the first baseman or catcher when necessary. He must have stamina and strong nerves. The catcher controls the speed of the game. His job is to give signals to the pitcher on what pitches to throw, block the plate from balls getting by him and tag runners out at the plate. He also has to calm the pitcher down whenever he feels it’s necessary. His job is by far the most difficult. No other defensive position requires more concentration and wears a player down mentally and physically, as does that of the catcher. He must be tough, have a strong arm and quick reflexes. These two players make the game happen. The infield has many positions; it has the first baseman (number 3), second baseman (number 4), third basemen (number 5), and the short stop (number 6). The first baseman and second baseman control the right side of the infield and the third baseman and shortstop control the left side of the infield. If a ball is hit to the third baseman and he fields it and throws it to the first baseman, it is recorded as a (5-3) out. If the second baseman fields a ball and throws it to the shortstop covering second base, who throws it to the first baseman, it is recorded as a (4-6-3) double play. The first baseman must be agile, quick and have the ability to set a good target. He will catch the balls that are hit to him, thrown to him, must scoop up ground balls, and tag first base for the out. He may have to charge a bunted ball, catch a pop fly ball, and throw to other bases to get lead runner out.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Barack Obama: The Audacity of Hope

The words â€Å"The Audacity of Hope† comes from Obama’s 2004 Democratic Convention keynote address. Much of the book deal with Obama’s policy positions on a number of issues, from health care to the occupation of Iraq. In this book, Obama criticizes the existing policy positions of the Bush government, and tries to reconcile political differences based on the twin principles of respect and statesmanship. There are several issues that Obama discussed in the book. The first issue is about racial discrimination. Obama rejects the notion that the United States is divided into politically racial spheres.Obama argues that the so-called ‘racial divide’ is a social construction – hence, cannot be immersed in policy-making. The personal attributes of people, according to Obama, should not become a hindrance to their own development. The second issue is rather unusual for the common reader. Obama rejects the ‘either – or formulationsâ€⠄¢ as a matter of policy. Here, he is referring to George W. Bush absolutists’ foreign policy that does not take into consideration alternatives. Obama provides a general background of such policy in the 60’s.According to Obama, the admission of African-Americans, minorities, and women to full citizenship had greatly undermined the power of the racial majority. What had developed was a system of grudge that, even today, manifests itself in government, business, education, and defense. The unity of the American nation had been greatly undermined. Obama argues that the only means to restore that unity is towards reconciling political differences. Although this is difficult to achieve, the price of success far outweighs the short-run costs.Obama’s idea of national unity transcends race, creed, and political differences. His idea of unity resembles that of Martin Luther King. Much of Obama’s thoughts on foreign, military, and domestic policies are a general t riangulation of liberal and conservative ideas – probably a way to appease both liberals and conservatives in society as Tony Blair did. In any case, his ideas about national security are much more enlightened than that of Bush. Obama’s argues that war in Iraq was a misguided war on the basis that it increased the associated risks to the United States.It did not put an end to terrorism, rather magnified it threefold. Tolerance, according to Obama must be observed in domestic and foreign policies. This is the only way to achieve an everlasting peace. The thesis of the book is: Unity of the American nation transcends race, creed, and politics, and the way to achieve peace is tolerance. For an intelligent reader, this thesis is something more of a vague statement. It does not attempt to give specific solutions to specific problems. There is no evaluation of alternatives.It is even possible to argue that Obama’s thesis is a coagulation of his political motives †“ a desire for higher political office. In any case, unlike his predecessors, Obama’s attempts to give a general view of American policies are generally unbiased and to some extent open-ended. Much of his enthusiasm of a possible end of conflict in Iraq is generally based on the hopes of a policy-shift – whether a Republican or Democrat is elected to the White House. Here, one can see that Obama’s audacity in intellectual leadership in his party exceeded that of George W. Bush.One can therefore argue that even if Obama’s thesis is a motherhood statement, it is in fact a radical alternative of the conservative-either-or policies of the Bush administration. Here, one sees the views of both a rising politician and a ‘dreamer of the 1960s. ’ Again, the specification of Obama’s thesis is still problematic, even though it carries a very meaningful radical policy-shift. In any case, there is no end to the question, â€Å"Is unity a long-ru n possibility? † Reference Obama, Barack. 2006. The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream. New York: Crown.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

History of God Essay

1. Why you selected the particular book? The diverse religious activities and the differences in faith and belief have divided men into different denominational groupings. For several centuries, religious groupings have engaged in physical and verbal combat in an attempt to spread its faith. However the most fundamental conflict stems from an opposing belief coupled by a summary of socio-cultural differences. These differences have ushered in conflicts that escalated into atrocities and bloodshed. Other conflicts have made religious differences as the organizing point to justify their own superior ambitions. Armstrong however stressed on a comparative history of the three monotheistic religions and exposed the frailty in each belief. Her insistence on the monopoly of truth committed by Christianity, Islam and Judaism as superior to other sects has developed an idea of a supreme being with human similarities. The idea of a personal supreme being has been supported by these religions which condemns and marginalize others. Suc h idealistic behavior of presenting God as a bigger version of man retreats and spins man away from the virtue that the faith teaches. In our present era, God has been adapted to meet the demands of the fast-changing ideas. Armstrong believes that some religions would eventually die out while others would gain strength or change direction. This has actually seen proof in people changing their religious affiliations. Her book is an interesting read that awakens us to the struggle for a religious meaning to an aggressive and extreme personalized stance that totally erases the ethical proportions that embodies that teaching of God. Further in Armstrong’s book, a well-balanced critical perspective on how the Western faith catered to the rise of atheism is clearly presented. It exposed how atheism evolved not merely on the basis of disproving the religious scriptures but as a result of the theological excesses committed in the past years. 2. What is the author’s purpose in writing the book? In our own century, the idea attached to God has been revised several times to meet the demands of the present population. Armstrong believed that when religious ideas cease to be effective, they fade away (376). After so much tribulations and conflicts, the thought that religious roots may cease to exist provides a comforting scene for Armstrong who has seen a drastic shrinkage of religious denominations as common views changed. The reading public’s response in a book with Armstrong’s magnitude has indicated the public’s hunger a theological change. For her, God has been remade to portray a vision that endorses the history and supremacy of the strong to work for their cause. Religion thereby has a social purpose and the idea of God according to Armstrong serves a function for a culture to survive. People have always resisted any type change unless the proposed change fits in with their social and cultural order and lifestyle. This is what Armstrong has continued to stress in her book. Further this book Armstrong aims to express in her history that traditional society practiced spirituality. Men sought nature and use these forces to work for him. Somehow this was depicted in Genesis that was also suggested by Armstrong that Abraham’s God was El (14). Myths evolved around Abraham’s God that was not supposed to be taken literally according to Armstrong. However when behavior or actions of â€Å"God† enabled people to show their best and perform effectively, the concept became highly accepted. The Koran according to Armstrong also taught that God had created Adam in his own image which is why he ordered the angels to bow down and worship the first man (229). Armstrong’s work however signifies that God is either personal or transcendent. He can â€Å"encourage perpetual immaturity,† or be â€Å"essentially subjective and personal enlightenment† which Armstrong stresses can be a very good thing. She means to relay the message th at a transcendent God, when not planning a revolution, is subject to the manipulations of mankind. He could be a racist or a revolutionary depending on our personal views which has been mirrored after man’s own image to portray a supreme being. For modern religion, she stressed that Christianity is faced with atheism which evolved as a rational choice after the Reformation. She also exposed the limitations that Islam has also struggled in order to reconcile religious views with their economic and political position. Modern Islam seeks to either pattern their behavior from western views which altogether eased their strict sanctions over traditional religious practices like Iran and Turkey. The Jews after seeing the horrors of the century have lost forbearance and instead focused on a political battle over the Israeli state. One thing however continues to become a mundane search for everyone which is to seek the truth throughout the long history of God’s existence. 3. Review of the ideas presented The understanding presented in Armstrong was Christianity, Islam and Judaism’s belief that a one true God and religion would evolve (151). Armstrong presented that any conflict should have been erase as they all share a certain similarity existing along the same line of conflict. Biblical evidence according to Armstrong has suggested that the leader Moses convinced his people El and Yahweh were one and the same (21). For her, the call for a one true God is a call for unity among religion. This unity hopes to recognize the aspiration of others but will seemingly focus on a true worship. Additionally, excessive intellectualism is frowned upon which is damaging to the faith. Armstrong provided that is God is not to become an indulgent endorsement of our own egotism, religious experience must be informed by an accurate assessment of its content (205). She stressed a repeated warning against making God into an endorsement of egotism. The Koran is likewise clear that there is to be no compulsion in religion (155-6). God is love as further endorsed in Armstrong’s work which is positively effective in the history of monotheism which speaks of a God who is on the side of the impotent and the oppressed (20). Further she stressed that God would live in a loving brotherhood, and not in a stone temple (71).   Ã‚  It follows then that each human being is a unique epiphany of the Hidden God, manifesting him in a particular and unrepeatable manner (237). But the human mind has conceived concepts that go beyond reticence requiring considerable skill and mental balance when certain symbols emerged. Armstrong has established the roots of atheism were founded on the discovery of biblical errors. Mark’s gospel, which is the earliest of its kind to dismiss Jesus as a god, presents that Jesus was a perfectly normal man, with a family that included brothers and sisters (80). Although the reliability of Mark’s gospel is in question nevertheless Armstrong also insisted that Paul did not believe that Jesus was God incarnated and perfectly adding that the doctrine of incarnation developed only later (83). Christianity is heavily contradicted with atheism as a rational choice against the stringent doctrines of the Christian religion. 4. Analysis and evaluation of the author’s work History of God is a comparative study of monotheistic religions and their experience of the divine throughout history. Armstrong has capitalized that making God to suit one’s personal needs has been practiced all throughout history. The fame of this book certainly banks on how Armstrong seeks to diminish the faith of those who seek to live in within the doctrines of their faith. God comes out as callous, self-righteous and entirely lacking in the compassion and coherence to be worthy of veneration. The best seller status that Armstrong’s book has gained in England is a clear indication though that the public has a hunger to know the truth which has been hidden or concealed. Her apparent endorsement that persons of the cloth and religion might as well be dead serves to instigate lambaste against a belief that she had abandoned. Her distaste for Christianity is riddled by misleading statements that build up certain theories as an indubitable fact. God in Exodus was presented as an example for the people of Midian whom Moses lived in exile. She refused to present that scholars have discredited this belief and continued to bloat the theory as a fact. Theologians have also debated over the compression of several thousand years of history into over four hundred pages of Armstrong’s book. Everything is fast paced that endorsed the acceptance of non-western culture and frown upon the western culture. 5. Personal reaction and conclusion This book produces disorienting yet eye-catching effects as a reading inspires an uprising in history that proclaims God as a God of revolution. Given this build-up, her discussion over the mystical tradition leaves a void for she has nothing else to say after promoting immanence. While projecting religions, she does emphasize a tolerance for Islam and Judaism while castigating the western tradition of Christianity that she grew up in. These profound averments against â€Å"western† religion has created inattention and laxity on greater issues that passed off unscrutinized leaving the reader in midair like Armstrong’s lack of discussion over Newton’s obsession with the Book of Revelations. In conclusion, Armstrong’s book could have provided a better skill is balance was exercised in handling the three monotheistic religions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Her condescending tone reflects how she used the deity into a form that best suits her interest. Although she has exposed the struggles of Islam as it tries to suit to western behavior and the Jewish focus on a political status of Israel, the search for the truth prevails. Further she has reflected that a huge amount of strong adherence against excessive intellectualism is damaging to the faith. Her assessment and endorsement of how atheism evolved during the Reformation period is spun over a rational clamor for truth over the long history of God’s existence.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Frankenstein Quotes Explained

Frankenstein Quotes Explained The following Frankenstein quotes address the novels key themes, including the pursuit of knowledge, the power of nature, and human nature. Discover the meaning of these important passages, as well as how each quote connects to the novels broader themes. Quotes About Knowledge It was the secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn; and whether it was the outward substance of things or the inner spirit of nature and the mysterious soul of man that occupied me, still my inquiries were directed to the metaphysical, or in it highest sense, the physical secrets of the world. (Chapter 2) This statement is made by Victor Frankenstein at the start of the novel as he recounts his childhood to Captain Walton. The passage is significant for outlining the main obsession Frankensteins life: achieving intellectual enlightenment. This ambition, combined with a desire for glory, is Frankensteins driving force, motivating him to excel in his studies at university and later to create the monster. Yet, we later learn, the fruits of this labor are rotten. Frankenstein is horrified by his creation, and in turn the monster kills everyone that Frankenstein loves. Thus, Shelley seems to be asking whether such an ambition is a worthwhile goal, and whether such knowledge is truly enlightening. The â€Å"secrets† mentioned in this passage continue to appear throughout the novel. In fact, much of Frankenstein revolves around the secrets of life- things that are hard or impossible to understand. While Frankenstein discovers the physical and metaphysical secrets, his creation is obsessed with more philosophical secrets of life: what is the meaning of life? What is the purpose? Who are we? The answers to these questions are left unsolved. So much has been done, exclaimed the soul of Frankenstein - more, far more, will I achieve; treading in the steps already marked, I will pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation. (Chapter 3) In this quote, Frankenstein describes his experience at university. He personifies his soul- â€Å"the soul of Frankenstein†- and claims that his soul told him he would discover the secrets of the world. This quote plainly lays out Frankensteins ambition, his hubris, and his ultimate downfall. Frankenstein seems to suggest that his desire to be the greatest pioneer of science is an innate characteristic and a predetermined fate, thus removing any responsibility over his actions. Frankensteins desire to push beyond the limits of humanity is a flawed goal that sets him on a path of misery. As soon as the creature is completed, Frankensteins beautiful dream turns into a deformed, hideous reality. Frankensteins achievement is so disturbing that he runs away from it immediately. The die is cast; I have consented to return if we are not destroyed. Thus are my hopes blasted by cowardice and indecision; I come back ignorant and disappointed. It requires more philosophy than I possess to bear this injustice with patience. (Chapter 24) Captain Walton writes these lines in a letter to his sister at the close of the novel. After listening to Frankenstein’s tale, and faced with an unrelenting storm, he decides to return home from his expedition. This conclusion demonstrates that Walton has learned from Frankensteins story. Walton was once an ambitious man in search of glory like Frankenstein. Yet through Frankenstein’s tale, Walton realizes the sacrifices that come with discovery, and he decides to prioritize his own life and the lives of his crew members over his mission. Although he says that he is filled with â€Å"cowardice† and that he comes back â€Å"disappointed† and â€Å"ignorant,† this ignorance is what saves his life. This passage returns to the theme of enlightenment, reiterating that the singleminded search for enlightenment makes a peaceful life impossible. Quotes About Nature I remembered the effect that the view of the tremendous and ever-moving glacier had produced upon my mind when I first saw it. It had then filled me with a sublime ecstasy, that gave wings to the soul, and allowed it to soar from the obscure world to light and joy. The sight of the awful and majestic in nature had indeed always the effect of solemnizing my mind and causing me to forget the passing cares of life. I determined to go without a guide, for I was well acquainted with the path, and the presence of another would destroy the solitary grandeur of the scene. (Chapter 10) In this quote, Frankenstein details his solitary trip to Montanvert to grieve the death of his brother William. The â€Å"sublime† experience of being alone in the harsh beauty of the glaciers calms Frankenstein. His love for nature and the perspective it provides is invoked throughout the novel. Nature reminds him that he is just a man, and therefore powerless to the great forces of the world. This â€Å"sublime ecstasy† gives Frankenstein a kind of enlightenment wholly different from the scientific knowledge he sought through chemistry and philosophy. HIs experiences in nature are not intellectual, but rather emotional and even religions, allowing his soul to â€Å"soar from the obscure world to light and joy.† He is reminded here of nature’s ultimate power. The â€Å"tremendous and ever-moving glacier† is more permanent than humankind will ever be; this reminder calms Frankensteins anxiety and grief. Nature allows him to experience the transcendence he hoped he would find in his search for true knowledge. Quotes About Humanity These thoughts exhilarated me and led me to apply with fresh ardour to the acquiring the art of language. My organs were indeed harsh, but supple; and although my voice was very unlike the soft music of their tones, yet I pronounced such words as I understood with tolerable ease. It was as the ass and the lap-dog; yet surely the gentle ass whose intentions were affectionate, although his manners were rude, deserved better treatment than blows and execration. (Chapter 12) In this quote, the creature relays part of his story to Frankenstein. The creature compares his experience in the De Lacey cottage to the fable of the ass and the lap-dog, in which the ass pretends to be a lap dog and gets beaten for his behavior. While living in the De Lacey cottage, strove to gain acceptance from the family despite his harsh appearance. However, the De Lacey family did not treat him with acceptance; instead, they attacked him. The creature sympathizes with the affectionate intentions of the ass and argues that the violent treatment of the gentle ass is reprehensible. The creature clearly sees a parallel to his own story. He understands that he is different from others, but his intentions are good, and he desires acceptance and approval. Tragically, he never receives the approval he yearns for, and his alienation turns him into a violent monster. This passage points to one of the novels essential points: the idea that judgment based on external appearances is unjust, but is nevertheless a tendency of human nature. The quote also raises the question of ultimate responsibility for the murders committed by the creature. Should we blame only the creature, or do those who were cruel to give him a chance to prove his humanity deserve some of the blame? I was dependent on none and related to none. The path of my departure was free, and there was none to lament my annihilation. My person was hideous and my stature gigantic. What did this mean? Who was I? What was I? Whence did I come? What was my destination? These questions continually recurred, but I was unable to solve them. (Chapter 15) In this quote, the creature asks the fundamental questions of life, death, and identity. At this point in the novel, the creature has only recently come to life, but by reading Paradise Lost and other works of literature, he has found a way to question and reflect on his life and its meaning. Unlike Frankenstein, who searches for the scientific secrets of human life, the creature asks philosophical questions about human nature. By bringing the creature to life, Frankenstein succeeds in his inquiry, but that form of scientific â€Å"enlightenment† cannot answer the creatures existential questions. This passage suggests that science can only go so far in helping us understand the world, as it cannot answer our existential and moral questions. Accursed creator! Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust? God, in pity, made man beautiful and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of yours, more horrid even from the very resemblance. Satan had his companions, fellow devils, to admire and encourage him, but I am solitary and abhorred. (Chapter 15) In this quote, the creature compares himself to Adam and Frankenstein to God. According to the creature, Adam is â€Å"beautiful† and â€Å"alluring in the image of the almighty, but Frankenstein’s creation is â€Å"filthy† and â€Å"horrid.† This contrast demonstrates the stark difference between the abilities of God and the abilities of Frankenstein. Frankensteins work has been a crude attempt to wield the power of creation, and according to the creature, his hubris is rewarded with wretchedness, ugliness, and loneliness. Furthermore, Frankenstein will not take responsibility for his creation by taking the creature under his wing; thus, the creature considers himself even more solitary and abhorred than Satan. By pointing out Frankensteins folly, the creature again points out the dangers of attempting to go beyond ones own humanity by seeking God-like glory.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Fooling and Disguise in Shakes essays

Fooling and Disguise in Shakes essays Fooling and Disguise in Shakespeares The Twelfth Night or What You Will The Twelfth Night, or What You Will was written by William Shakespeare during the sixteenth century. This play is full of romance, comedy, and especially fooling and disguise. The act of fooling is seen through many characters of the play such as, Viola, Olivia, Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, Maria, and of course Feste, the most important and intelligent character of the play. Shakespeares, The Twelfth Night, or What You Will, portrays a great significance of fooling and disguise through the main characters. Viola is a great example of disguise in the play. Her boy disguise is an emotional catalyst for everyone else in the play. Acting as Cesario, Viola fools everyone. She is a fool caught between Orsino and Olivia. While she is falling in love with Orsino, she is wooing Olivia as Cesario. She is full of intelligence, wit, and charm, which makes her a great fool. This is because the meaning of a fool in this play is an intelligent person who brings awareness to themselves and others. At the end of this play, Viola does bring out awareness in herself and others, such as Orsino. Olivia, the countess, is a great fool of the play as well. She fools everyone in the story when at the beginning, she mourns for her dead brother, but by the end she is more concerned with her love for Cesario, a male disguise for Viola. At the end, she realizes that she actually in love with a woman, disguised as a man, and then quickly reverses her love to someone she does not even know, Violas twin brother. Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, and Maria are a great team in the play. Sir Toby is Olivias uncle and his companion is Sir Andrew. Maria is Olivias servant, a lady in waiting. These three are the fools and the pranksters of the play. Sir Toby keeps Sir Andrew around only for his money, and in return, uses the money to get drunk. Sir ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Harassed on LinkedIn® Take these steps to prevent and stop it now.

Harassed on LinkedIn ® Take these steps to prevent and stop it now. There’s no question that social media, including LinkedIn ®, can expose you to unwanted attention, whether it be spam messages or actual threats. I’ve received some inappropriate emails myself (thankfully nothing threatening or truly stalker-like). But not everyone is so lucky. I have had many people share with me their fear about posting a photo or profile on LinkedIn ® due to the possibility that they might be followed in an unwelcome way. I am grateful to my colleague Rabbi R. Karpov, Ph.D. for providing tips on how to investigate followers before they become a problem. She credits Robin Schlinger for some of this information as well. Here is some of what she suggests: Check the person’s photo. Right click on any profile image and copy the image location. Next, run that photo through Google Images ( You can find it by typing google images into your browser. Click the camera icon and paste in the image URL. Now you can find some things out. Look for red flags: Stock photo. That wholesome-looking woman, it turns out, wasnt really an Apple Computer VP! Stolen photo. The photo is of someone living, such a military-man or Miss World Philippines contestant, or of someone deceased (hey, thats the late President of Zaire!) Check out the rest of the general picture: Run the email address you find under the connections Contact Info through Google. Did it come up as a known email address associated ONLY with a scammer/spammer? Run the connections name through Google. What turned up? Run the name AND the email address through Google. Sometimes that is what turns up information that will make you glad you took this extra 5 minutes. Hopefully this due diligence will prevent some unwanted connections. But sometimes there are bigger issues of LinkedIn ® users abusing their connected status to stalk other users. Due to the upswing in complaints regarding this problem, on February 20, 2014, LinkedIn ® implemented a member blocking feature. Blocking a member allows you to completely remove your profile from that connections view, and theirs from yours. In addition, says LinkedIn ®: You wont be able to message each other on LinkedIn. If youre connected, you wont be connected anymore. Well remove any endorsements and recommendations from that member You wont see each other in your Whos Viewed Your Profile Well stop suggesting you to each other in features such as People You May Know and People also Viewed How to block a LinkedIn ® member To block someone, visit their profile and hover over the down arrow to the right of the message button and click Block or report. You will then get a popup window with options to block this person or report them or both. If you choose to report them, you will need to provide a reason for doing so. Note that you do not need to disconnect from your contact first; blocking them automatically disconnects you. Once you have blocked someone, their name will appear on your block list. You can view the list by visiting your Privacy Settings under Manage who youre blocking. From here you can also unblock members, should you choose to do so. For more information on how the blocking feature works, including how to block from within a group environment, visit LinkedIn ®s Help Center article, Member Blocking Overview. Take additional privacy precautions Of course, ideally we would never want to have to block anyone, so take Rabbi Karpov’s advice to heart! In addition, here are a few more things you can do to protect your privacy: Only accept connections from people you know. LinkedIn ® is a great supporter of this philosophy; however, there is a trade-off between maintaining a small number of reputable connections and broadening your network (and thus increasing your leads) by connecting with people outside of your circle. Change your settings under Privacy Settings so that only those who know your email address or are in your imported contacts list can send you invitations (Go to Privacy Settings, Communications tab, and Select who can send you invitations). Go to Privacy Settings, Profile tab, and click on â€Å"Select who can see your connections† where you will have an option to prevent others from seeing see your network. This will prevent your 1st degree connections from seeing exactly how many connections you have; otherwise they will be able to get past the â€Å"500+† and see both your exact number of connections and who those connections are. None of these alternative actions is a perfect solution and you still may encounter unwanted attention on LinkedIn ®. If you do, it is your prerogative to block the offending member. You may also want to report any harassment to the LinkedIn ® Corporation; and if necessary, please seek legal counsel. Have you experienced harassment on LinkedIn ®? How did you handle it? What precautions will you take in the future? Please share below!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Market Structure and the Role of Government Assignment

Market Structure and the Role of Government - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that the term ‘market structures’ refers to a particular social organization which operates between buyers and clients in any given market. Others define market structures as models that govern social organization between clients and businesses in a market. Since the four market structures are perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly, the characteristics of these market structures differ. In perfect structure, supply and demand as competitive market forces control prices in the market and output levels of produce rendered by competitive firms. In both perfect and monopolistic competition and structures, there are multiple participants and the commodity of trade is homogenous. Monopolistic competition is an intermediary between the two extremes that characterize monopolistic and competitive markets. Herein, there are several firms each with small proportions of market share and an extent of different iated products. These competitive firms are also price makers. In a monopoly, the product of trade is one, while in an oligopolistic market structure, a number of firms maintain control over the market share. There are neither competitors in a monopolistic market nor close substitutes for the product. In an oligopoly, there is a tendency to compete on non-pricing criteria which include advertising, gift certificates, packaging, and transportation.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Reproductive Health as A Womans Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reproductive Health as A Womans Issue - Essay Example Perhaps nowhere in the world today where every aspect of women’s reproductive health is heavily scrutinized than in that country. Which explains why it is worthy to take notice if such measure of improving women’s health is valid and re-examine our own stance with the arguments presented. There are two sides of the argument, according to pro-RH Bill â€Å"the reproductive health (RH) bill promotes information on and access to both natural and modern family planning methods, which are medically safe and legally permissible. It assures an enabling environment where women and couples have the freedom of informed choice on the mode of family planning they want to adopt based on their needs, personal convictions and religious beliefs. On the other side of the coin is the â€Å"the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines' Fr. Melvin Castro drew raised eyebrows when he said tubal ligation, a popular medical method involving the cutting women's Fallopian tubes to preve nt them from becoming pregnant again, is considered as a sin by the church (Philippine Daily Inquirer).

Radon Indoor Air pollution Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Radon Indoor Air pollution - Term Paper Example Is it really possible to develop a fatal disease, such as cancer, just by inhaling air indoors? It is sad to say, but this is in fact true. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), low indoor air quality within buildings and houses is especially dangerous to an individual’s health, with radon being determined as the leading pollutant that can cause lung cancer (Neira, et al., 2009, p. ix). Although the radioactive nature of radon and its harmful effects to people have drawn attention since 1979 and it has been formally labeled as a human carcinogen in 1988, â€Å"a unified approach to controlling radon exposures† to manage health risks was enacted just in the year 1993 (Neira, et al., 2009, p. ix). Radon research has taken thirteen years to be quantified and be made official for the WHO to establish the International Radon Project, which, based on solid and indisputable data, aims to create and increase public and political awareness against the destructive effects of continued radon exposure indoors (Neira, et al., 2009, p. ix). This year, the International Radon Project has gained much ground in raising awareness of the seriousness of the issue and radon testing has slowly evolved into a necessity for many American businesses and homeowners. Indeed, creating and maintaining high indoor air quality has become a requirement for many states in the U.S. But what really is radon; how is it radioactive; and how can it cause cancer? These are just some of the questions that this paper will answer in the hopes of providing an understandable and clear discussion of radon indoor air pollution. Radon (222Rn) is formed when the element radium (226Ra) decays (Otton, Gundersen and Schumann, 1995). Radium is produced when uranium (238U), a naturally radioactive element, decomposes (Otton, Gundersen and Schumann, 1995; Neira, et al., 2009, p. 1). Both radium and

The motivations of Chinese EFLs Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

The motivations of Chinese EFLs - Term Paper Example People who are fluent in English are given almost celebrity-like honor and value in countries where English is not the official language. The wide ranged usage of English throughout the world be it, mass media, education, Internet, business, tourism, technology and such other fields is what gives the language an authoritative appeal and command over the whole world. Acknowledging the importance of the English language, the government of every country needs to be capable of providing facilities for the children to learn this language. Thus, this is the reason why English is being taught in almost all countries. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the parents to get their children enrolled into schools that teach English. It also becomes the responsibility of these children to learn well and excel in their academics to make their parents feel proud and in turn, serve their nation by staying committed to their jobs, which obviously, would require English as the main language. Therefo re, for students to learn languages, other than their mother tongue, they need motivation. The paper at hand focuses on Chinese EFL students. These refer to the students who come from China and settle in America or other such countries where the official language is English, and study English as a foreign language. It also includes EFL students who reside in China itself. Studies show that China accounts for the â€Å"largest number of English language learners in the world† (Influence of Instrumental Motivation on EFL Learners in China and its Implication On TEFL Instructional Design 1). According to JUDY F. CHEN in his article called, Motivators That Do Not Motivate: the Case of Chinese EFL Learners and the Influence of Culture on Motivation, the Language learning theory has widely accepted the saying that language learners with superior levels of motivation will be superior achievers. Finding what composes motivation for those who learn the language in a variety of cultura l settings remains a significant and difficult task. Motivation study frequently centers on cultural circumstances that are not very different from European values and North American. Language learning motivation study outcomes have tended to support the supreme importance of integrative motivation, which was primarily described by Gardner and Lambert (1972) and the newer version by Shaaban and Ghaith. Integrative motivation is successful because language abilities are perceived as essential to participation in various social groups that employ the target language. Noels, Clement, Pelletier, and Vallerand (2000) make out the preeminent significance formerly granted to the orientation of integrative motivation, but also state that this can be the case only in particular socio-cultural circumstances. Integrative motivation is frequently contrasted by way of the more outwardly affected instrumental motivation (JUDY F. CHEN 2005). The students face a lot of problems in their everyday li fe in the educational institutions they attend. This is due to the fact that English is totally foreign to them until they go abroad. Thus, there arises a great need for these students to be motivated. This paper therefore addresses various problems that the Chinese EFL students face in learning English, the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Critical Film Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Film Analysis - Research Paper Example Therefore, reading the human mind is like going through a sea of feelings, emotions, behaviors and life styles developed at different point of time and age. Further, this correlates with the study of human behaviorism. As B. F. Skinner argues in his ‘Theory of Behaviorism’, human behaviors as demonstrated under different situations and circumstances, provide various learning perspectives for the individual in his developing years. These behaviors are shaped and developed while reflected by both internal and external environments of the individual eventually contributing to his cognitive development. This paper briefly addresses the various behavior patterns of the human mind as evolved with age and time. It mainly highlights a brief evaluation of the Freudian Psychology as well as the theory of behaviorism developed by Skinner while illustrating the behavior patterns and conflicting roles and life styles along with the character portrayal of Mickey from the movie Basketb all Diaries. Released in 1995 and directed by Scott Kalvert, the film is an American drama based on the autobiographical book of the same name by Jim Carroll, the high school basketball player who fell into the harrowing world of drug addiction to the extent of prostituting himself in order to afford his habit. The film portrays his early rise as the all-star basketball player, who loses himself in the dark world of drug addiction and eventually comes back as a survivor. Coming back to the notion of psychoanalysis, the predominant psychoanalytic theories can be grouped into several theoretical schools including Skinner and Carl Rogers. The most important psychological theory is the one developed by Freud. It adopts a systematic approach to address different developmental stages of the human mind. Psychoanalysis: Theories and issues With regard to describing the developmental phases of the human mind, Freud’s name comes to the forefront for his remarkable contribution to the s tudy of psychoanalysis. The Freudian psychoanalytic theory is primarily concerned with the psychological functioning and behavior patterns of the human mind. Freudian psychoanalysis discusses how the human mind develops, behaves and verbalizes thoughts including free associations, fantasies and dreams. Freud is more specifically concerned about analyzing the behavioral abnormalities of ‘confused’ and ‘lost’ adults. While explaining the behavioral patterns of abnormal adults, Freudian theory explores the connection between association of ideas and dreams. Freud’s psychoanalysis includes a wide range of themes and notions such as the following: ? Unconscious, repression and defense mechanisms ? Trauma, fixation, regression, sublimation ? Projection, ambivalence, identification ? Transference and the compulsion to repeat ? Psychosexual stages of development Skinner’s theory on behaviorism also focuses on the functioning of the human mind. Especia lly, his theory of radical behaviorism discusses behavior as a function of environmental histories of reinforcing consequences. External environment has a strong impact on the shaping of human behavior. In this context, Skinner offers operant conditioning dealing with behavior modification the two core tools of which being ‘reinforcement’ and ‘punishment’. The character of Mickey in Basketball Diaries is a perfect

Shoeless Joe by J.D. Salinger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Shoeless Joe by J.D. Salinger - Essay Example Salinger’s interest for games and sports is overwhelming. In the novel, baseball can critically be accounted for in relation to the role played by Salinger (Kinsella 72). The game accounts for the American history, and subsequent evolvement of the game in the American context. This scenario in the case of Salinger is intriguing, in relation to his involvement in the pursuits of the game. He shows special interest in sporting, becoming a primary fan of the game. Salinger’s support for athletes captures the interest of the reader in regard to the highlights made by the novel. Salinger’s social interaction with other people and the society at large is not an outstanding undertaking. The novel outlines his interest for individual autonomy, enjoying individual domain away from public interference (Kinsella 143). The combination of this aspect with his passion and interests leaves so much to be desired, due to the lack of connection that socialization and game pursuits pose. However, Salinger manages his personality and character, as well as his day to day undertakings, to present a wholesome person is less likely to be influenced by parties that he least worries about. Life is highly characterized by dreams, at least as Salinger seems to be believe (Kinsella 168). Dreams constitute the primary activities that Salinger gets engaged in. In other words, his thoughts are highly held and treasured in his life, with or without critical analysis of the inner meaning of the thoughts or even the underlying dreams for that matter. Amid this dream concept and pursuit in Salinger’s life the concept of aging at a personal level is introduced. Aging comes with the lesson that individual efforts can beat advancing age to revitalize personal efforts through persistently enhancing personal creativity. Another interesting item about Salinger is how magic and related acts are captured through the author. He believes in the occurrence of supernatural happeni ngs or the existence of extraordinary forces that act on an individual from time to time. Salinger does not consider his life to be perfect one in an American context, but it is rather better compared to many other places beyond America. The extraordinary forces that Salinger believes in depict scenarios of at time happenings that befall an individual in the pursuit of their daily interests. Magic is part and parcel of Salinger’s life, meaning that he believes in supernatural occurrences, and does not mind experiencing them from time to time. This realization as provided for by the novel is a critical learned aspect of Salinger. The general life of Salinger is rather a complicated one. Starting from his character in the novel to the real life scenario that the novel poses, Salinger has a sophisticated personality. While this aspect is not hard to come by in many individuals around the world, its representation in the novel and the actual life that Salinger leads makes it an i nteresting aspect in relation to what one can learn about Salinger from the novel. He makes moves when least expected to do so. On the same note, when there is an intention to please him, the outcome depicts the opposite. The predictability of an individual following critical analysis of his or her personality aids a crucial determination of how to handle the person in question.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Critical Film Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Film Analysis - Research Paper Example Therefore, reading the human mind is like going through a sea of feelings, emotions, behaviors and life styles developed at different point of time and age. Further, this correlates with the study of human behaviorism. As B. F. Skinner argues in his ‘Theory of Behaviorism’, human behaviors as demonstrated under different situations and circumstances, provide various learning perspectives for the individual in his developing years. These behaviors are shaped and developed while reflected by both internal and external environments of the individual eventually contributing to his cognitive development. This paper briefly addresses the various behavior patterns of the human mind as evolved with age and time. It mainly highlights a brief evaluation of the Freudian Psychology as well as the theory of behaviorism developed by Skinner while illustrating the behavior patterns and conflicting roles and life styles along with the character portrayal of Mickey from the movie Basketb all Diaries. Released in 1995 and directed by Scott Kalvert, the film is an American drama based on the autobiographical book of the same name by Jim Carroll, the high school basketball player who fell into the harrowing world of drug addiction to the extent of prostituting himself in order to afford his habit. The film portrays his early rise as the all-star basketball player, who loses himself in the dark world of drug addiction and eventually comes back as a survivor. Coming back to the notion of psychoanalysis, the predominant psychoanalytic theories can be grouped into several theoretical schools including Skinner and Carl Rogers. The most important psychological theory is the one developed by Freud. It adopts a systematic approach to address different developmental stages of the human mind. Psychoanalysis: Theories and issues With regard to describing the developmental phases of the human mind, Freud’s name comes to the forefront for his remarkable contribution to the s tudy of psychoanalysis. The Freudian psychoanalytic theory is primarily concerned with the psychological functioning and behavior patterns of the human mind. Freudian psychoanalysis discusses how the human mind develops, behaves and verbalizes thoughts including free associations, fantasies and dreams. Freud is more specifically concerned about analyzing the behavioral abnormalities of ‘confused’ and ‘lost’ adults. While explaining the behavioral patterns of abnormal adults, Freudian theory explores the connection between association of ideas and dreams. Freud’s psychoanalysis includes a wide range of themes and notions such as the following: ? Unconscious, repression and defense mechanisms ? Trauma, fixation, regression, sublimation ? Projection, ambivalence, identification ? Transference and the compulsion to repeat ? Psychosexual stages of development Skinner’s theory on behaviorism also focuses on the functioning of the human mind. Especia lly, his theory of radical behaviorism discusses behavior as a function of environmental histories of reinforcing consequences. External environment has a strong impact on the shaping of human behavior. In this context, Skinner offers operant conditioning dealing with behavior modification the two core tools of which being ‘reinforcement’ and ‘punishment’. The character of Mickey in Basketball Diaries is a perfect

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Rogue Trader Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Rogue Trader - Research Paper Example Moreover because of the high popularity of Leeson, the Bank allowed him to make his own trade settlement, which is highly unauthorized and risky in terms that the risk limit of loss is violated and the bank, has to pay margin money on a continuous basis to make up for the loss involved. Moreover the negligence of the Barings Bank management and huge dependence on Leeson caused the bank a huge loss of $1.7 billion (Krawiec, 23-26; Rogue Trader). The internal control mechanism of the Barings  bank was completely inefficient. It could be viewed by the fact that the Government body of the organization did not set any fixed limit for the position taking like position in intraday, in overnight position. Moreover the salary of the top management official were linked excessively to the speculated profit which promoted the top management official under the guidance of Leeson to take excessive position in derivative trades even risking the loss limits when led to huge losses incurred. Moreover the absence of any formal internal audit system allowed the bank to take unauthorized path of settling the huge loss in the error account (Rogue Trader). Thus there is a complete setback in the ethical standards of the bank, as the bank was more tied to the greed of the top officials putting on a huge risk for the bank as well as for its customers. The risk assessment mechanism of the bank was highly inefficient. The movie Rogue Trader shows that there was no proper outline of the risk assessment mechanism in the Barings  bank. The top officials did not set any limit about the risk tolerance level of the bank. Moreover positions taken by the officials in risky derivative trading under Leeson and drainage of money for making up for the margin calls promoted huge financial losses. Without proper internal audit system in place the reported loss was

Monday, October 14, 2019

Media In The Vietnam War

Media In The Vietnam War Throughout Americas history, the United States has won the majority of all of its major conflicts. Up until the Vietnam War, America was seen as invincible and unbeatable. At the time, television and personal audio recorders were becoming more mainstream. News by television was growing for the first time, people were turning to TV rather than the newspaper or radio to learn about current events.  [1]  The news was uncensored, and citizens, for the first time, were able to view the reality of war. Although the Vietnam War initially had the publics full support, uncensored anti-war news coverage on the newly developed commercial television influenced popular sources of entertainment, like music artists, which in turn led people to protest the war; the protests, combined with the major losses and defeats in the conflict, prompted the government to withdraw from Vietnam. The Vietnam War was a Cold War conflict that officially started on the first of November, 1955. President Lyndon B. Johnson took full advantage of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which occurred in 1964; the resolution allowed the President to use conventional military power in south Asia without the approval of Congress. President Johnson used this incident as a reason to escalate troop levels in Vietnam, thus escalating the conflict.  [2]  The escalated conflict, which turned into a full-scale war, was fought between North Vietnam and its Communist allies and South Vietnam supported by anti-communist nations. The larger strategy at hand was the containment of communism. Started as a Russian revolution, the Soviets had started spreading Communism throughout the world. Although the war technically started in 1955, it wasnt until the early 1960s that US troop levels began to grow rapidly.  [3]  In 1968, the US launched the infamous Tet Offensive, an operation in which there were many casualties on both sides.  [4]  The Tet Offensive marked the period in which approval for the war started to rapidly decline which would later cause the U.S, five years later to start a peace process in which the US would eventually withdraw from Vietnam.  [5]  This peace processes ended two years later in 1975 with the capture of Saigon by North Vietnamese forces.  [6]   Although veterans sharing their experiences of war happened in any previous war, the Vietnam War was exposed much more through new technology such as television, and personal audio recorders. At the same time the Vietnam War was starting, citizens started switching where they would get their news information. A series of surveys conducted by the Roper Organization for the Television Information Office from 1964 until 1972 demonstrates the growing power of television; multiple answers allowed, respondents were asked from which medium they got most of their news, 58 percent said television; 56 percent, newspapers; 26 percent, radio; and 8 percent, magazines.  [7]  By 1972, 64 percent said television while the number of respondents who primarily relied on newspapers dropped to 50 percent.  [8]  TV was more attention-grabbing than newspapers and radio the visual element allowed user to feel as if they were in the middle of the intense battles and death. Additionally, intense vis uals helped explain the complex nature of war to Americans who might not understand the militarys technical language. Furthermore, anchors, who hosted the news programs quickly became famous in fact, Walter Croncrite, a major anchor at the time was often cited as the most trusted man in America.  [9]  This trust in the media led people to quickly believe their word as fact, clearly spreading the medias bias throughout Americas culture. When footage of the Tet Offensive started coming out in early 1968, the dominant view that the war was just was quickly flip-flopped. The media started showing more anti-war footage, with a focus on critics of the Johnson administration.  [10]  Most importantly, the footage of the My Lai massacre, where hundreds of Vietnamese were killed in cold blood by Americans, acted as a main example of why peace needed to be established.  [11]  Later on, the media focused on domestic anti-war movements, which further exemplified how the Vietnam War was unjust. Not only were Americans seeing the war in a new way, they were also seeing more casualties coming back from the front. All the way from the beginning of the war to the end, the casualty rates were rising at a constant rate. By 1968, there was an average of 1200 men who died per month in Vietnam.  [12]  Correlating with the increase in deaths at the front, more and more American soldiers were sent to Vietnam, and by 1968 over half a million troops were stationed there.  [13]  At the same time, naturally, the approval rating for then-President Lyndon B. Johnson plummeted to an all time low even as low as 35% during the Tet Offensive.  [14]  Because American approval for Johnson went steadily lower over time, it can be inferred that it was because of his actions during his time as president. Since there were so many casualties and little progress was being made in Vietnam, most people thought the war was unwinnable, which was later confirmed in 1968 by the top news anchor o f the time, Walter Cronkite.  [15]  This notion that the war was unwinnable furthered the American publics cause to end the war and bring the remaining soldiers home. This general feeling of an American demise in Vietnam eventually spread to popular entertainment and popular culture. Although the media generally spread the anti-war message, music artists picked up its caused and spread the message of peace to the younger generation. Artists such as Edwin Starr, Billy Joel and Bruce Springsteen were incredibly popular in the 1960s and early 1970s. Much of their work consisted of anti-Saigon lyrics which displayed the harsh realities of war, and explaining why our soldiers should come home. These songs and artists sparked the counter culture of the time generally knows as hippies. These peace loving people carried out the messages of these artists peace, love and respect; their main goal was the end the Vietnam War and to create peace.  [16]  This counter-culture spread rapidly, especially among young people. Because of its amazing popularity, the media covered most of youth rallies and protests, such as draft card burnings and Human-Be-Ins.  [17]  This excessive media attention spread the counter-culture even further, spreading its ideas across the Unite d States. Because more people were being aware of these acts of civil disobedience, more people were tempted to follow the crowd. As more people got caught up in the movement the number of people at the protests rose, from as little as 700 participants in 1964 to 500,000 total in 1967.  [18]  This primarily shows how an anti-war bias spread by the media found its way into popular culture, which then caused many citizens to protest the war. Even those who did not go out and protest, which was the majority of the country, regarded the Vietnam War as a mistake.  [19]   Throughout the 60s and early 70s time, American citizens were constantly fighting against American involvement in Vietnam. Hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated every year to bring American troops back home. The number of people demonstrating kept rising as the approval rating for the war lowered exponentially every year.  [20]  As more people started demonstrating, pop-culture heavyweights, such as boxer Muhammad Ali and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. publicly endorsed peace. Not only did this lead to an increase in media coverage of the issue, but it also lead those who were fans of those public figures to become active in the fight for peace in Vietnam. Civil disobedience was on the rise more than 16 million American citizens dodged the draft by the end of the Vietnam War.  [21]  Also, in 1967, a group of flower power hippies marched on the Pentagon where they were blocked by National Guard troops, and subsequently they put flowers in their gun barrels (Appendix A).  [22]  A photographer, Bernard Norman Boston took a photo of the incident, and it became the runner up for the Pulitzer Prize that year, further broadcasting the strength of the counter-culture movement in the United States. The more media converge there was, the more people decided to join the movement for peace. The media even had a profound effect on the soldiers stationed in Vietnam; some GIs decided to resist the commands of the US army. The army in Vietnam, according to Marine Colonel Robert D. Heinl Jr., a veteran combat commander with over 27 years experience in the Marines, and the author of Soldiers Of The Sea, was on the verge of collapse: By every conceivable indicator, our army that now remains in Vietnam is in a state approaching collapse, with individual units avoiding or having refused combat, murdering their officers and non commissioned officers, drug-ridden, and dispirited where not near mutinous. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Sedition, coupled with disaffection from within the ranks, and externally fomented with an audacity and intensity previously inconceivable, infest the Armed Services  [23]   Not only was the army mutinous, but there were also many fragging incidents that occurred on bases. Fragging, is where there is a bounty placed upon a commanding officer, and that man is to be murdered, and whoever does it gets a monetary reward. These bounties were placed in underground army newspapers which majority of the army read.  [24]  In the year of 1970 alone, there were 209 reported fraggings.  [25]  The people responsible for the fraggings mostly got away with it too, as the armys justice system was quite corrupt: The Armys Judge Advocate Generals Corps estimated that only 10% of fragging attempts resulted in anyone going to trial..  [26]  Although there were those who took action against their superiors, there were also those who ran away. By 1970, the U.S. Army had 65,643 deserters almost four infantry divisions worth of troops.  [27]  In 1966 the desertion rate was 14.7 per thousand, in 1968 it was 26.2 per thousand, and by 1970 it had risen to 52.3 per thousand; absence without leave was so common that by the height of the war one GI went AWOL every three minutes.  [28]  From January of 67 to January of 72 a total of 354,112 GIs left their posts without permission, and at the time of the signing of the peace accords 98,324 were still missing.  [29]  The army also resisted politically, releasing underground news papers to solders. By 1972 around 300 anti-war and anti-military newspapers, with titles like Harass the Brass, All Hands Abandon Ship and Star Spangled Bummer had been published by enlisted men.  [30]  Hundreds of GIs created these papers, but their influence was far wider with thousands more who helped distribute them, and tens of thousands of readers.  [31]  They were also those determined to stop the war based on the act of sabotage; in June of 1972 the USS Ranger was apparently disabled by sabotage, and it had to return to its home base for repairs.  [32]  A movement that embodied this ideology wa s SOS Stop Our Ship. They used petitions to try and get their superiors to ground naval operations.  [33]  Even the troops, who may have had a lack of media knowledge, knew the war was wrong, and they decided to do something about it. They did all of this not only because they were saving themselves from being killed unnecessarily, but also because they knew the war which they were fighting was either not worth the fight or it was unjust. The media was the most decisive factor that drove the United States to end the war. Indirectly, they caused the public to accept that the war was unwinnable and that it would keep taking up the time and resources of the U.S. By conveying their message to popular culture artists, the media was able to target a larger audience, which was also coincidentally more active group socially. These people led protests which were both seen and heard by the national government. The media instigated these protests, displaying primarily anti-war protests on the daily news. Not only was the war being lost overseas, a battle against the government was being fought at home to end the war. Because of the constant pressure from Americas citizens and the North Vietnamese Army, the U.S decided to withdraw from Vietnam, letting Saigon fall into enemy hands, but at the same time, sparing many American lives. Although the media may have ended up tarnishing the honor of the United States with its first major loss since its creation, it stopped a cycle that would have ended up killing more American soldiers. Without the media causing an end to the war in Vietnam, the US would have been in a much worse place than it is today. Word Count: 2101